Agenda - 01-16-1997 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-16-1997
Agenda - 01-16-1997 - 3
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6/24/2013 9:39:20 AM
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6/24/2013 9:39:10 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19970116
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4 <br /> Model Outputs <br /> The inputs provide the basis for a series of outputs for each of the nine assessment fields. <br /> The model's programming encompasses a series of calculations and formulas that compute the <br /> outputs. As previously indicated,these are termed model calculations. To illustrate, for the physical <br /> and site analyses, the user enters the number and types of residential units as well as the site's total <br /> acreage and developable acreage. With these inputs, the model calculates a series of outputs. For <br /> instance, the gross residential density is equal to the number of units divided by the site's <br /> developable area. Other land use factors such as the floor/area ratio are similarly calculated by the <br /> application of appropriate formulas. <br /> The project pro forma, entered under the physical and site analysis, is the basis for many <br /> other calculations. By applying the demographic multipliers - the average number of people and <br /> school-age children residing in different type and size housing units - to the project profile, the <br /> model determines the development's projected population. Applying the model factors for per <br /> capita water use, sewage system use, and solid waste generation to the development population <br /> yields an estimate of environmental effects. Applying local per capita and per pupil expenditures to <br /> the development generated population produces the public service costs associated with growth. By <br /> matching expenditures to the revenues generated by development, the model calculates the net <br /> fiscal impact. <br /> In short,the model consists of a series of input data and output information. The inputs are <br /> based on readily available user information and factors already embodied in the model. The outputs <br /> comprise a series of linked findings across several dimensions of impact assessment as listed and <br /> described below. <br /> Model Components <br /> Administrative/Legal. The administrative/legal component of the model is largely <br /> descriptive. It provides tracking type data on the development and signals the level of scrutiny that <br /> the development must undergo. <br /> Physical/Land Planning. The second component is more analytic than the first and <br /> involves the physical setting of development impeding conditions en route to a determination of <br /> land-holding capacity. It is also descriptive in that the development's gross housing unit numbers <br /> and thousands of square feet of nonresidential space are initially displayed. <br /> Market Impact. The market assessment deals with the extent to which the development's <br /> land use components are interrelated with the regional market demand for such components. It <br /> compares the features offered by the development to the demand for the same. <br /> Environmental Impact. The environmental impact component scans a number of <br /> significant environmental factors, including impacts of utility systems, the level of development in <br /> sensitive areas,and the framework for environmental reviewing. <br />
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