Orange County NC Website
WATER AND SEWER SERVICES BOUNDARY TASK FORCE <br /> MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 <br /> A meeting of the Public Water and Sewer Services Boundary Task Force was <br /> held on Wednesday, April 10, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the OWASA Community Meeting <br /> Room, Carrboro, North Carolina. <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Orange County Board of Commissioners Moses Carey, Jr., <br /> and Alice Gordon, Chapel Hill Town Council Members Julie Andresen and Joe <br /> Capowski, OWASA Board of Directors Member Pat Davis, Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br /> Hilliard Caldwell and Jay Bryan and Hillsborough Town Commissioner Evelyn Lloyd. <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: OWASA Board of Directors Member Barry Jacobs. <br /> Chair Carey convened the meeting. He mentioned that Barry Jacobs would not <br /> be able to attend this meeting because of a schedule conflict. He asked for comments <br /> or suggestions for changes in the Agenda. <br /> Commissioner Gordon requested that the equity issue be discussed first. <br /> Councilmember Andresen had questions regarding the 10 and 15 year plans for <br /> the utilities. <br /> MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Julie <br /> Andresen, to approve the minutes as corrected. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Pat Davis stated that the "provisional service area" definition is essentially <br /> the same one that is now called "long-term interest area". <br /> DISCUSSION: Conceptual Draft Of Water/Sewer Boundary Agreement: <br /> Councilmember Andresen mentioned that their is relationship between the <br /> adoption of this agreement and the correlative objectives listed in the December <br /> 14,1994 document. The issue that has not been met or discussed is that of"promoting <br /> equity for all parties, formulate services area and other agreements so that benefiting <br /> parties pay their fair proportional share of operating and capital costs incurred by the <br /> entities servicing that district or interest area." A suggestion to address that is to use <br /> alternative wording in the Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement. Another suggestion <br /> is to ask the Board of County Commissioners to consider changing the Orange County <br /> Water and Sewer Policy to meet these objectives. <br /> The language for the water and sewer agreement would be reworded to assure <br /> that the southern Orange County residents would not be required to subsidize trunk <br /> sewer lines to economic development nodes or similar examples in the rural parts of the <br />