Orange County NC Website
November 1996 Attorney review presented by County Attorney. Attorneys recommend separating <br /> land use planning issues from boundary agreement and propose amendments to Joint <br /> Planning Land Use Plan and/or other plans to accomplish land use goals. Task Force <br /> agrees to meet again in January to consider whether to split land use/planning issues <br /> from water/sewer boundary issues. <br /> Issues Under Consideration <br /> During Task Force deliberations on the draft boundary agreement a number of issues have been raised <br /> that have generated discussion and in some cases, disagreement. The current draft of the proposed <br /> agreement contains alternative language in three areas that addresses the difference of opinion among the <br /> Task Force members. These issues are fisted below in the order in which they are found in the draft. <br /> I. Extension Opublic water and sewer service into the Rural Buffer <br /> There has been no recommendation by members of the Task Force that basic water and sewer service be <br /> extended into the Rural Buffer . However, there has been discussion regarding provision of service to <br /> Public health emergencies and"essential public facilities" (as per the County Water and Sewer Policy) <br /> where extension would be into or through the Rural Buffer. On the proposed boundary map (attached), <br /> the Rural Buffer is within the OWASA Long-Term Interest Area-an area where extensions of service <br /> are not anticipated but where OWASA would be the designated provider in the case of a public health <br /> emergency or essential public facility. <br /> One disagreement on language among Task Force members occurs in this area, as to whether it is <br /> necessary to explicitly mention utility service within the Rural Buffer if it is already stated that other land <br /> use agreements will not be superseded by the boundary agreement (Section I.D.2). <br /> Z Equity Issues <br /> Much discussion has centered around one of the correlative objectives from 1994 pertaining to addressing <br /> equity issues. This objective states that the process should"Promote equity for all parties. Formulate <br /> Service Area and other agreements so that benefiting parties pay their fair proportional share of operating <br /> and capital costs incurred by the entity serving that district or interest area." <br /> Some Task Force members have argued that this objective should be interpreted to mean that any County <br /> tax dollars spent on water and sewer extension in one part of the County should be coupled with a like <br /> amount available for other areas of the County, including the Towns. Some members have raised <br /> concerns about the use of County tax dollars for system improvements in northern Orange. Issues of <br /> possible"double-taxation" for Town residents and concerns about funding for County Economic <br /> Development Districts have been expressed in terms of whether benefiting parties are paying their fair <br /> share. <br />