Orange County NC Website
b. If the designated provider declines to provide service, it <br /> must notify the other parties to the agreement with a <br /> statement of rationale. <br /> C. The designated provider may contract with another <br /> service provider to address the situation, upon <br /> consultation with Orange County (and other <br /> jurisdictions, where specified by joint planning <br /> agreements) regarding the process for such service <br /> provision. <br /> d. If no other contracted provider is available, Orange <br /> County will address the public health emergency or <br /> essential public facility need according to its own <br /> policies and procedures. <br /> E. -Procedure for a jurisdiction to contract with another public or private <br /> party to operate and maintain facilities, build facilities, etc. within the <br /> jurisdiction's interest and service area while retaining the <br /> jurisdiction's policy control for its designated area under the <br /> boundary agreement. <br /> A. <br /> F. Other Extension and Management Responsibilities <br /> 1. The extension of water and sewer service by <br /> any party outside of its Long-Term Service Area and into <br /> its own Long-Term Interest Area (or another jurisdiction's <br /> Interest Area as part of a written invitation from that <br /> jurisdiction), shall be sized so as to serve only the lots <br /> designated in need of service extension, as defined above. <br /> Extension of service to other lots in the area, or <br /> to other lots along the route of extension shall be prohibited. <br /> APPENDICES <br /> A. History of joint and cooperative planning <br /> 1. Joint Planning Agreement/Land Use Plan <br /> Z OWASA Memorandum of Understanding <br /> 3. Piney Mountain Service Agreement <br /> B. Hillsborough-Durham service area agreement(by reference) <br /> C. OWASA-Durham agreement(by reference) <br /> D. Orange County Water and Sewer Policy(by reference) <br />