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After discussion of the wording for the OWASA Long-Term Interest Area the <br /> following wording was suggested ...of the Cape Fear River basin located south of <br /> Bowman Road and located in Orancie Counky.. <br /> Councilmember Capowski asked if it was true that the Long Term Interest Area <br /> does not include any of Durham, Chatham, Wake or Alamance Counties. He further <br /> asked if the text stated that. He requested that a clause be added that the OWASA <br /> area is limited to Orange County. It could be made clear that there might be future <br /> agreements with these Counties but that this Draft Agreement is not a unilateral <br /> It was suggested that the attorney's be asked to determine whether the final map <br /> or the text would be the final word when questions arise. <br /> The first paragraph on page 3 was discussed at length. There was discussion <br /> about the phrase "essential Public facility". It was decided to present two options for <br /> this paragraph as well. <br /> Councilmember Capowski asked if a tap-on would be allowed after a sewer was <br /> run to an "essential public facility". The answer to that question is not clear. There are <br /> technical, legal and financial implications to that question all of which have not been <br /> resolved. <br /> Greg Feller felt that a way to narrow the issue would be to say that within the <br /> Rpral Buffer there would have to be agreement by all elected bodies before a facility <br /> would be designated as "essential." <br /> Chair Carey stated that it would probably not be possible for an facility to be <br /> declared and "essential" public facility without the approval of an elected board. This <br /> issue would be narrowed by mentioning the requirements of the Joint Planning <br /> Agreement because that approval by all three bodies is included in that Agreement. <br /> That does not include the areas in the OWASA Long-Term Interest area that is outside <br /> the joint planning area. <br /> Councilmember Andresen stated that she did not feel that including "essential <br /> public facility" subject to the Joint Planning Agreement would make the wording <br /> acceptable to her. The Joint Planning Agreement only affects the Rural Buffer which is <br /> not inclusive enough. <br /> Chair Carey agreed to the language as it applies to the Rural Buffer because it is <br /> tantamount to the agreement that already exists. <br /> Councilmember Capowski asked what the phrase "A management role for <br /> OWASA was intended to imply. <br /> Chair Carey stated that it means a role for OWASA in the approval process for <br /> community systems whether that is in the design approval for new systems and/or <br />