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He suggested the following wording for the fourth purpose. "To provide the <br /> public and private sectors with greater predictability in long-range water and sewer <br /> capital improvements planning and financing." <br /> Councilmember Capowski stated that the Council has never seen a map that <br /> shows what OWASA is planning to do for the next 10 years. He would like to see a <br /> map as well as have review authority over the portions that are within Chapel Hills <br /> corporate limits or future corporate limits. <br /> Pat Davis stated that it was impossible for OWASA to say when they will extend <br /> service because they do not have the ability to control land use plan growth <br /> management decisions. <br /> Ed Holland stated that OWASA does not have such a map because they do not <br /> extend water and sewer lines. Property owners do that and then they dedicate them to <br /> OWASA. <br /> Councilmember Capowski felt that this is not was not completely accurate. He <br /> mentioned that OWASA is discussing putting a water tower at Star Point because of an <br /> anticipated need for more water pressure. <br /> Pat Davis indicated that OWASA does have an Alternate System Development <br /> Plan which could be made available to this group. <br /> There was consensus on the fourth purpose as stated by Pat Davis as follows: <br /> "To provide for predictable, long range water and sewer capital improvements planning <br /> and financing." <br /> After discussion on D. 2 of the Boundary Agreement it was decided that there <br /> was no consensus on either the original or the substitute in Julie and Jay's <br /> memorandum. Both of those options will be presented to the elected officials for their <br /> consideration. <br /> It was also suggested that rather than the using the word "we" in the Agreement, <br /> the phrase "parties to this Agreement" be substituted. <br /> There was consensus to present D.3 of the Draft Boundary Agreement and #3 of <br /> Julie and Jay's memorandum which presented a new paragraph 1 and deleted <br /> paragraph 2 and 3. <br /> 11: DEFINITIONS: <br /> Pat Davis suggested that the definitions could be in the Agreement and the <br /> policy related aspects of that could be in the related documents. <br />