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John Link stated that the double taxation would apply if you are talking about ad <br /> valorum taxes and property tax. The expenditure of these funds for economic <br /> development are coming from the 1/2 cents sales tax revenue which generated <br /> statewide and appropriated back to each unit of government based on population. All <br /> revenues for County Capital Improvement Plan come from that 1/2 cent sales tax. <br /> Alderman Bryan felt that was appropriate unless it was a substitution of one <br /> source of funds for another. OWASA customers are concerned that they will have to <br /> pay twice - for OWASA projects and County projects. <br /> The County Water and Sewer Policy cannot be amended by this Task Force. <br /> Commissioner Gordon felt that the best approach would be to have the Area <br /> Boundary Agreement state exactly was decided by this Task Force. She pointed out <br /> that the Water and Sewer Policy could be changed at any time by the Board of <br /> Commissioners which would defeat the purpose of this group if that document was <br /> being used in this agreement. <br /> Councilmember Andresen felt that the County costs are not actually recovered in <br /> economic development projects. <br /> Commissioner Carey stated that costs are recovered when the amount of taxes <br /> the business pays increases above what they were at the time of the investment. If the <br /> increase in the taxes over a five year period match the amount invested, the County <br /> considers that repayment of the investment. <br /> Councilmember Andresen disagreed with this. She pointed out that growth <br /> always costs. She requested a limitation on the amount that the County could spend <br /> on this type of project. <br /> Chair Carey stated that he felt that it was appropriate to ask for that limitation, <br /> however, this document is not the way to do it. The budget process would be the way <br /> to address this request. <br /> Councilmember Capowski asked for an example of a County project where it <br /> would not be practical to recover costs. <br /> John Link mentioned the Efland sewer project. The citizens who are on the <br /> system are paying sewer fees. In 1986 The Board of Commissioners acknowledged <br /> the need to expand the system because there are additional failing septic systems. <br /> Next week Tara Fikes will present to the Board of County Commissioners a proposal <br /> that the County apply for $800,000 in CDBG funds to help address Phase 2 and 3 of <br /> the Efland Sewer Systems. Those funds will require a match from the County which <br /> would be approximately $300,000 out of General Tax Funds. The families that would <br /> benefit from this money are not in a position to repay their portion within the next 3 to 5 <br /> years. <br />