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A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> 3) Authorize the Manager to sign an amendment to the existing Architectural Professional <br /> Services Contract for Corley, Redfoot Architects totaling an amount of$110,500 for the <br /> design, engineering, and construction administration of the permanent meeting facility. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she thought there had been agreement on what <br /> Commissioner Dorosin had said earlier regarding the order for consideration of the issues. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this proposal was a general idea to start the conversation and <br /> articulate positions. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Rich said she does not feel comfortable that the concerns of the <br /> neighbors have been addressed, and if the Board moves forward with an operating agreement <br /> then the neighborhood concerns may not be addressed. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she has the same concerns. She wants to see this space <br /> for arts and she wants to affirm that this is the intention; however, there are no parameters for <br /> the usage by OCCC. She feels there is a lot that has to be worked out and she feels more <br /> time needs to be allowed for the manager to work with OCCC and other groups. She noted <br /> that there are several groups that are partnering and others that are not and this needs to be <br /> factored in as well. She would like to specifically ask for more community meetings by OCCC <br /> and county staff. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the legality of how this space can be used with an <br /> operating agreement with one specific organization and how this works with allowing others to <br /> use it. <br /> John Roberts said the county can designate an individual group to operate a facility, <br /> but he would be opposed to an operational agreement giving a non-profit group full access <br /> rights to a governmental facility. He said if the County decides to go that way, he would <br /> recommend a license agreement which allows the county to control the other access. He said <br /> there is no legality to prevent an operations agreement with this group though. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said it seems there are two questions. One is regarding other <br /> uses for space, arts being one. He said that, in that context, there can be a discussion, <br /> especially regarding concerns of the neighbors. He said the primary concern seems to be with <br /> regard to big events, but not art classes and other smaller functions during the day. He said <br /> there may be some consensus already about this. He said that if there is agreement on this, <br /> then the question becomes whether this is something to work out with OCCC or with other <br /> groups. He said there are some advantages to having OCCC take over some of these <br /> responsibilities but he is hesitant to add another layer of bureaucracy. He wondered if there is <br /> a way to support the OCCC while accommodating other groups and the neighbors. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the easy part is that there is a desire to share the space, primarily for <br /> arts related uses, and by non-profit community organizations. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> 4) Show support for additional uses for the Whitted space, primarily for arts related uses by <br /> non-profit organizations. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price to: <br />