Orange County NC Website
Clarence Grier said this is for county cars, sheriff vehicles and all vehicles outside of <br /> Solid waste. There are approximately 35 cars. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the vehicles being purchased are hybrids. <br /> Clarence Grier said most of the vehicles are Prius. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that Clarence Grier share with the Board, the planned vehicle <br /> types for future agenda items. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the community geothermal well projects and said that <br /> later in May there will be a facility space needs report for county buildings. She has asked that <br /> the wells not be sited in areas where buildings may be built in the future. She said that she <br /> would like the opportunity for the Commissioners to weigh in prior to siting decisions being <br /> made. This would allow the planning to be mindful of where future county building footprints <br /> will be. <br /> Frank Clifton said the best time to discuss this would be during Board discussions of a <br /> particular project. He said there is a plan laid out and Jeff Thompson will present this to the <br /> board. He said there are a lot of wells and piping to be done. He said this will likely come <br /> before the Board soon. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she understood that the facility space needs report <br /> would be coming in May. She wants to make sure that work has not already been done. <br /> Chair Jacobs said when Commissioner Gordon brought this up previously; Jeff <br /> Thompson said that there would be no work done on the geothermal wells before the end of <br /> the fiscal year. He said there would be time to discuss the siting in more detail. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she said she would be comfortable if the Board agreed by <br /> consensus that they agree on this process to review wells before siting. <br /> RES-2013-040 <br /> Resolution Supporting an Application to the Local Government Commission for <br /> its Approval of a Financing Agreement for the County <br /> WHEREAS, <br /> The Board of Commissioners has previously determined to carry out the acquisition <br /> and construction of various public improvements, as identified in the County's capital <br /> improvement plan. <br /> The Board desires to finance the costs of these projects by the use of an installment <br /> financing, as authorized under Section 160A-20 of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br /> Under the guidelines of the North Carolina Local Government Commission, the Board <br /> must make certain findings of fact to support the County's application for the LGC's approval <br /> of the County's proposed financing arrangements. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Orange <br /> County, North Carolina, that the County makes a preliminary determination to finance <br /> approximately $10,000,000 to pay capital costs of various public improvements. The proposed <br /> list of projects and improvements to be financed appears on Exhibit A. <br /> The Board will determine the final amount to be financed by a later resolution. The final <br /> amount financed may be slightly lower or slightly higher than $10,000,000. Some of the <br /> financing proceeds may provide reimbursement to the County for prior expenditures on project <br /> costs, and some proceeds may be used to pay financing costs. <br />