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NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, <br /> strongly recommend the North Carolina General Assembly support current eligibility criteria <br /> and the current levels of funding, and consider increasing funding, for Smart Start and NC Pre <br /> K in the FY 2013-2014 budget and future budget years. <br /> This the 7th day of May, 2013. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve a Resolution In Support of Smart Start and NC Pre K and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he appreciated this resolution coming forward. He said <br /> this is more of the legislature's war on education. He said every child in N.C. has a <br /> constitutional right to a sound education and this particularly applies to those students who are <br /> at risk. He said that the state came forward in response, with this pre-K program. He said that <br /> the state then began to re-define who is at risk and began to exclude many students. He said <br /> that this program used to be the envy of many. Studies found that the pre-K program <br /> eliminated gaps. He said that he appreciates this issue being addressed. <br /> Commissioner McKee noted that he appreciated the wording change regarding <br /> eligibility criteria. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the items on the consent agenda. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> a. Minutes <br /> The Board approved the minutes from March 12, 21 and April 4, 2013 as submitted by the <br /> Clerk to the Board. <br /> b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release motor vehicle <br /> property tax values for twenty-three (23) taxpayers with a total of twenty-six (26) bills that will <br /> result in a reduction of revenue, in accordance with NCGS. <br /> c. Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted of a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property tax <br /> values for four (4) taxpayers with a total of nine (9) bills that will result in a reduction of <br /> revenue, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 105-381. <br /> d. Re-appointment of Four(4) Deputy Tax Collectors <br /> The Board re-appointed Valerie Curry, Bernice Gwynn, Linda Jaubert, and Bobbie Underwood <br /> as Deputy Tax Collectors for two-year terms effective July 1, 2013. <br /> e. Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Action Plan/HOME Program <br /> The Board: <br /> 1) Adopted a Resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving the FY 2013- <br /> 2014 Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Action Plan and authorize the Chair to sign; <br /> 2) Adopted a Resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving the proposed <br /> HOME Program Activities for 2013-2014 and authorize the Chair to sign; and <br />