Minutes 04-23-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-23-2013
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/20/2013 8:54:54 AM
Creation date
6/20/2013 8:47:04 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 04-23-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 4a
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 4b
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 5a
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 5d
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 5f
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 6a
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Agenda - 04-23-2013 - 7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 04-23-2013 - Regular Mtg.
ORD-2013-015 Ordinance approving Budget Amendment #9 for FY 2012-13
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-025 Resolution to Repeal the Death Penalty and Use the Savings to Assist Murder Victims’ Families and Help Prevent Violent Crime
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-026 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-027 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-028 Resolution in Support of the Proposed Old Well to Jordan Lake Scenic Byway Application
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-029 Resolution Establishing the South Orange Fire Service District
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-030 Resolution Establishing the Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-031 Resolution Establishing the Southern Triangle Fire Service District
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-032 Resolution Providing Preliminary Approval of Installment Financing
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
RES-2013-033 Resolution of Approval of Annandale at Creek Wood Preliminary Subdivision Plat
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
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costs. He noted that all neighboring municipalities have made this change and he asked the <br /> Board to consider this option as soon as possible. He said municipal leaders support recycling <br /> efforts and joint planning has gotten these programs to their current high level, and he asked <br /> for reconstitution of the Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB). He said the recommendation to <br /> use reserves would undermine the recycling efforts and will make future recycling more <br /> expensive. He urged the board to implement a funding mechanism to cover next fiscal year. <br /> He said recycling costs money but as the County begins to ship waste to another community, <br /> recycling becomes an investment that pays dividends by reducing disposal. <br /> Richard Palmer lives in Hillsborough and has curbside recycling. He asked what the <br /> shortcomings of current systems may be and how can the system be improved. He said this <br /> issue has been brought forward because of the State Supreme Court decision about a fee in <br /> another county that was not authorized. He recommended that the County approach the <br /> legislature for retroactive authority. He said there could then be a process to tweak and <br /> improve the system without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. <br /> Tom O'Dwyer said he would like to thank Frank Clifton for the narrowing of the options <br /> to the current three. He said he understands that the taxes currently used would simply be <br /> transferred into the tax district, so there is no additional expense. He said he is only <br /> concerned about the partnership between Orange County and the municipalities. He <br /> encouraged Frank Clifton to reach out to these municipalities to work out a system of scale <br /> economy for the recycling program. <br /> B.J. Tipton is a resident of Bingham Township and said she would like to echo the <br /> previous comments of her neighbors. She said she had the opportunity to live in a different <br /> state and part of the reason she and her husband decided to stay here, was this recycling <br /> program. She feels very strongly about anything that undermines that and she feels the tax <br /> district is the way to go. <br /> Terri Buckner lives in a rural curbside collection area. She said that for every pound of <br /> recycling collected contributes to a more socially just environment. This waste is not being <br /> taken to a transfer station in another town to be delivered to a landfill in another state, which <br /> means less fossil fuel being used and less imposition on others. She feels that only the district <br /> tax and the authority should be considered as options. <br /> Marty Mandell is a Carrboro resident and she is pleased with her curbside recycling. <br /> She said she heard the comment regarding the sale of compost to a company in Chatham, <br /> and she heard that Orange County is able to sell recycling materials to others. She said she <br /> also knows of many communities who use recycled materials to make all sorts of goods. She <br /> asked if these ideas shouldn't be developed more. <br /> Bill Black lives in rural Orange County and he is new to the area and thinks this <br /> recycling program is amazing. He came from an area that does not have curbside recycling <br /> and he asked the County to preserve this service, even if it's on a pay per use basis. He said <br /> that it is hard to estimate the cost of all of the residents driving to the convenience centers. <br /> Jan Sassaman said he agreed with a lot of the comments made, especially with respect <br /> to tax districts and working together with the towns. He said in order to expedite this process, <br /> he sent the Board a draft resolution to help in forming their own resolution. <br /> Susan Walser lives in Bingham Township and she has followed the solid waste issues <br /> for years. She feels that residents of Orange County support recycling and she hears that <br /> residents want flexibility. She does not see any discussion of this flexibility for residents going <br /> on in the Board meetings. She referenced a survey that was given to SWAB several years <br /> ago and she requested that the Board go back to the residents to determine their wants. <br /> Norma White agreed with Susan Walser and she also referenced the survey done five <br /> years ago for rural residents. In her case, this survey was for residents using the Walnut <br /> Grove Convenience Center. She said that, in that survey, curbside recycling was not an <br />
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