Agenda - 06-18-2013 - 7f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-18-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-18-2013 - 7f
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Last modified
6/11/2015 9:55:43 AM
Creation date
6/17/2013 1:01:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-18-2013
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13 <br /> Attachment 5 <br /> revenue is levied, there is a period of time during which revenue is being <br /> levied that is unaccounted for (April 2013 — June 2013). Staff suggests the <br /> FY 2014 budget/forecast specify received versus levied. <br /> d) Staff suggests inserting a column to the left of the forecast totals provided <br /> for Orange and Durham Counties that provides entries for the projections <br /> provided in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) <br /> and Durham County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (DCBRIP), <br /> respectively. <br /> e) Staff suggests that Triangle Transit provide a breakdown within or as an <br /> attachment to the FY 2014 and beyond budgets/forecasts for what <br /> happens to any revenue over the recorded projected amounts and how <br /> that revenue will be allocated. As contemplated by Triangle Transit and <br /> emphasized by the County Manager, the revenues exceeding the <br /> projected amounts should go to a separate account for specific use to be <br /> determined by the three (3) parties to the Interlocal Implementation <br /> Agreement for the OCBRIP. The FY 2014 and beyond <br /> budget(s)/forecast(s) should make clear that any overage revenues should <br /> not be divided in proportional accordance with the allocated amounts <br /> currently provided in the forecast unless agreed to by all three (3) parties. <br /> f) Staff requests clarification in the forecast on whether the reserve amounts <br /> provided are intentional in accordance with a pre-determined plan or <br /> model or whether the reserve line is also meant to capture excess <br /> revenues above the projected amounts for each line or are meant to <br /> capture excess amounts between what is provided in the OCBRIP and <br /> DCBRIP and the actual amounts. Generally, provide further specification <br /> of what the "Reserve" line is meant to capture. <br /> g) The FY 2014 Budget/Financial Summary should itemize and show how <br /> much money is being put aside in reserve for capital projects other than <br /> the light rail component as provided in the OCBRIP, including but not <br /> limited to the Hillsborough Rail Station and the various park and ride lots <br /> and bus shelters, and how those amounts will build over time from FY to <br /> FY. Although only 10% of the of the cost of these capital projects is <br /> anticipated to be covered by local revenue sources, the budget and <br /> financial forecast should show how this local revenue source will build <br /> over time to support such projects. <br /> 3) Staff suggests that the performance standards mentioned on page 2 of <br /> Attachment 2 be sensitive to the nature of currently unserved and <br /> underserved transit-dependent populations and not just assess the <br /> performance of routes based on ridership volume alone but also whether <br /> such routes are addressing the human service and social equity needs of <br /> Orange County. These performance standards should also consider the <br />
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