Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Attachment 4 <br /> should be an explanation as to why there is such a large variation in potential <br /> cost outcomes. <br /> 3) Commissioner Pelissier suggested that existing and future Orange County <br /> bus route information should be provided in a user-friendly format that is <br /> easily accessible to the public online in one place, or in a manner in which it is <br /> clear to the public where such information exists. This could mean providing <br /> back-links to Triangle Transit's website on the Orange County website <br /> showing such route information, or it could mean showing such information on <br /> Orange County's website and providing a back-link on Triangle Transit's <br /> website. <br /> 4) Commission Chair Jacobs requested that Triangle Transit get back to the <br /> Board of County Commissioners regarding the exchange of emails pertaining <br /> to the Hillsborough Train Station, changes in Federal programs, and <br /> coordination with the railroad company's staff. <br /> 5) Regarding the proposed east-west express route for Orange County, <br /> Commission Chair Jacobs mentioned that ridership analysis to evaluate <br /> route alignment and logistics is important, but the County is also looking at <br /> the utility of the route from the perspective of supporting adopted land use <br /> plans and supporting land use goals and objectives, supporting <br /> economic development, and being used as a tool for social justice. <br /> These considerations should factor heavily into the planning for the proposed <br /> route. <br />