Agenda - 06-18-2013 - 7e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-18-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-18-2013 - 7e
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Last modified
6/11/2015 9:51:25 AM
Creation date
6/17/2013 10:07:39 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2013-195 AMS - MBAJ Architects Inc for NHSC Architrectural and Engineering Design/Construction $173,500
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3 <br />budget of $250,000. This decision was reflected in the FY2012 -13 Board adopted Capital <br />Investment Plan. The Board also established a placeholder in the FY2014 -15 CIP for a 10,000 <br />square foot community center to be erected in its place in the amount of $2,000,000. This <br />budget was established according to a reasonably up- fitted community center program of $200 <br />per square foot. Information regarding the Capital Investment Plan decision is provided in <br />Attachment 2, "Supplemental Information ", Section D. <br />As a result of this decision, the facility became fully vacant on December 31, 2012, except for <br />the office of the Cedar Grove Park supervisor. All utilities services have been reduced to the <br />level required to preserve the plumbing lines and control humidity. <br />Public Input Process and Results <br />After the decision to invest in a community center, at the direction of the Board, staff engaged <br />the public in a process whose purpose was to 1) facilitate a dialogue regarding the community <br />center project; 2) receive input regarding community needs and desires that could be supported <br />by the community center; and 3) solicit volunteers for an informal resident design advisory <br />group to work with the County staff and its design consultant on integrating these needs and <br />desires into the facility design and operation. <br />Staff held two public meetings to meet these objectives. The first was held over two sessions <br />on March 19, 2012, and the second on September 25, 2012. Both meetings were held in the <br />cafeteria of the Northern Human Services Center. <br />March 19, 2012 <br />Staff solicited participation through a mailed flyer sent to every property owner of parcels within <br />a one mile radius (per County Geographic Information Systems information), retail outlet <br />postings along NC 86 North, and area churches. Individuals who participated in the Cedar <br />Grove park master plan public input sessions held in 2004 and 2005 were also noticed via mail <br />for the meeting. <br />Approximately 30 -40 individuals attended the two sessions. The attendees received an update <br />on the Board's decision to deconstruct the facility, the reasons for the Board's decision, and the <br />Board's intent to construct a community center on the site. Staff also conducted a survey <br />soliciting a desired preference among a series of potential activities and features of the facility, <br />as well as an "intensity of preference" metric (solicited through a "dot" voting exercise) to <br />measure the intensity of those surveyed preferences. <br />Staff collated the comments and opinions of the attendees into three categories: 1) "Mixed <br />Opinions "; 2) Strong Opinions` and 3) Moderate Opinions ". Staff also ranked the intensity of <br />responses from "most intensive" to "least intensive ". A summary of these desires and needs <br />communicated by the group include: <br />Mixed Opinions (1:1 ratio in favor): <br />• Deconstruction of existing facility with appropriate <br />"memorialization" of the original facility, as opposed to adaptive re -use <br />and renovation of the center portion of the facility (cafeteria and <br />gymnasium) <br />
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