Orange County NC Website
14 <br />ORD- 2013 -023 Attachment 2 <br />The School Capital Projects Fund FY 2013 -14 budget, with anticipated fund revenues of <br />$7,653,599, and project expenditures of $7,653,599, is hereby adopted in accordance <br />with G.S. 159 by Orange County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and ending <br />June 30, 2014, and the same is adopted by project. <br />The County Grant Projects Fund FY 2013 -14 budget, with anticipated fund revenues of <br />$615,596, and project expenditures of $615,596 (see Attachment 3), is hereby adopted <br />in accordance with G.S. 159 by Orange County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, <br />2013, and ending June 30, 2014, and the same is adopted by project. <br />Any capital project or grant budget previously adopted, the balance of any anticipated, <br />but not yet received, revenues and any unexpended appropriations remaining on June <br />30, 2013, shall be reauthorized in the 2013 -14 budget. <br />Section XV. Contractual Obligations <br />The County Manager is hereby authorized to execute contractual documents under the <br />following conditions: <br />1. The Manager may execute contracts for construction or repair projects that do <br />not require formal competitive bid procedures, and which are within budgeted <br />departmental appropriations, for which the amount to be expended does not <br />exceed $250,000. <br />2. The Manager may execute contracts for general and /or professional services <br />which are within budgeted departmental appropriations, for purchases of <br />apparatus supplies and materials or equipment which are within the budgeted <br />departmental appropriations, and for leases of personal property for a duration of <br />one year or less and within budgeted departmental appropriations for which the <br />amount to be expended does not exceed $89,999. <br />3. Contracts executed by the Manager shall be pre- audited by the Financial <br />Services Director and reviewed by the County Attorney to ensure compliance in <br />form and sufficiency with North Carolina law. <br />4. The Manager may sign intergovernmental service agreements in amounts under <br />$90,000. <br />5. The Manager may sign intergovernmental grant agreements regardless of <br />amount as long as no expenditure of County matching funds, not previously <br />budgeted and approved by the Board, is required. Subsequent budget <br />amendments will be brought to the Board of County Commissioners for revenue <br />generating grant agreements not requiring County matching funds as required for <br />reporting and auditing purposes. <br />6. The Manager and Attorney will provide a quarterly report to the County <br />Commissioners showing the type and amount of each intergovernmental <br />agreement signed by the Manager. <br />