Orange County NC Website
minority participation. <br /> 4. Worked with minority trade,community,or contractor organizations identified by the <br /> Office of Historical Underutilized Businesses and included in the bid documents that provided <br /> assistance in recruitment of minority businesses. <br /> 5. Attended any prebid meetings scheduled by the public owner. <br /> 6. Provided assistance in getting required bonding or insurance or providing alternatives to <br /> bonding or insurance for subcontractors. <br /> 7. Negotiated in good faith with interested minority businesses and did not reject them as <br /> unqualified without sound reasons based on their capabilities. Any rejection of a minority <br /> business based on lack of qualifications should have the reasons documented in writing. <br /> 8. Provided assistance to an otherwise qualified minority business in need of equipment, <br /> loan capital,lines of credit,or joint pay agreements to secure loans,supplies,or letters of credit, <br /> including waiving credit that is ordinarily required. Assisted minority businesses in obtaining the <br /> same unit pricing with the bidder's supplier in order to help the minority businesses in establishing <br /> cred it. <br /> 9. Negotiated joint venture and partnership arrangements with minority businesses in order <br /> to increase opportunities for minority business participation on a public construction or repair <br /> project when possible. <br /> 10. Provide quick pay agreements and policies to enable minority contractors and suppliers to <br /> meet cash flow demands. <br /> This documentation shall include the following evidence: <br /> A. Copies of solicitations for quotes to at least three(3)HUB firms from the source list <br /> provided by the State for each subcontract to be let under this contract(if 3 or more firms <br /> are shown on the source list). Each solicitation shall contain a specific description of the <br /> work to be subcontracted,location where bid documents can be reviewed,representative <br /> of the Prime Bidder to contact,and location,date and time when quotes must be received. <br /> B. Copies of quotes or responses received from each firm responding to the solicitation. <br /> C. A telephone log of follow-up calls to each firm sent a solicitation. <br /> D. For subcontracts where an HUB firm is not considered to be the lowest responsible sub- <br /> bidder,copies of quotes received from all firms submitting quotes for that particular <br /> subcontract. <br /> E. Documentation of any contracts,correspondence or conversation with HUB firms made <br /> in an attempt to meet the goals. <br /> NOTE: If the Bidder provides sufficient evidence(listed in#A)that the goals stated in the contract <br /> documents have been met,or awards all subcontracts to MBE's,the documentation listed <br /> in B will not be required. <br /> Upon being named apparent low bidder,the Bidder shall provide a Letter of Intent(Appendix C),complete with a <br /> description of the scope of services and dollar value from each HUB firm proposed for use in this contract. Failure <br /> to provide the documentation as listed in these provisions may result in rejection of the bid and award the next <br /> lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities in HUB <br /> documentation if they can be resolved prior to award of the contract,and the Owner finds it to be in its best interest <br />