Orange County NC Website
L <br /> Boding Policies, June, 1 998 <br /> The following bu i Idin g polii iel%are in place as a cord ition of the lease executed Wtween Ora n ge <br /> County and Tenants who occupy County facilities. <br /> 1- The sidewalks, entre-nces, hallways, elevators and stairways shall not be obstructed ty any <br /> tenant or u d them fo r a ny Fu rpo other than for ingress or re,s,�- <br /> 2. 1 f the bu i Iding i n wh ich the leased premises is located h as i n it conference rooms, and ito�u runs <br /> gymnasia , gyrnatrojurns, rT-eefing ms, etc-, their usrea Tnay he sched ailed through the <br /> County or Rs' appropriate designate. Tenants may sched u Ia the use of any such foci 1 ides on� <br /> for the u se of their agency. 00*r inn Ividuals or g rou ps must oontart the Cou my d irectly to <br /> hedu Ie use of the faoi I ities- <br /> - Fear, 1 any, for use of conferenoe roorns., a uditoriu rns, gy rnn a!s+irns, gyrnatrolums, m eating <br /> rooms ems, shall to charged pursuant to to County,s radiitios Fee Policy in effect at the fire <br /> reservations are made. The Facilities Foe Poll undergoes modifications from ti me to ti me- <br /> Potential u,5,ers shou kj period ice 1y check with the Gounty to determine whether changes in the <br /> policy have been nnado_ <br /> 4- The T-e nant shal I not i natal I add ition a I lochs on any doors in the leased prerMn i !S Wi f tut the <br /> written consent of the County- In additbri, no duplicate keys skull be made or obtained <br /> through any source except for the County. <br /> 5. The Tenant shall not make improper noises or disturbances of any kind, sing, play or operate <br /> musiGal i n!str u meets, radio or television or any mach i nas or devices in such a fash ion as may <br /> be d r d by the County to i nterfare vAth other oocu pants of the bu Mal i ng, <br /> 6. The Tenant may install window shades, blinds, d raperias and/or curta i r is su b fact to th a <br /> County's approval of the rrieUnkW of instellaton, including hanging hardware and color and <br /> texture of any such vAndow covering s- <br /> 7- To ensure public safety for tenants and clients who may frequent the County facility, Tenants <br /> shaii rot= <br /> a it r l cr it ors th, Fra,i,a,F vAth the Fti of assist animals (seeing dogs. <br /> for axarn pie): <br /> Allow bicycles or similar voh k%es in the building <br /> Thmw anything through the windows or down stairways-, <br /> Leave the premises uno=piied without Iii rig all doors, extinguishing lights and turning off <br /> water outlets; <br /> Install okr operate vending rnarh ine!s of any kind without the whtten con!sont of the ounty� <br /> * use the premises for IodgiN rooms, gambling or any immoral purpose-, <br /> • Open w1ndows while a i r cond tionling system is operati ng; <br /> • Keep Is rnmable rnatarials on the premises without the wNtten permission of the County. Any <br /> such materials, if approved by the County, shall be Dept in an appropriate locking, fire-prof <br /> area- <br /> • Flake edj ustrnents to heati ng/a i r-r,.onditioning controls. plumbing ap tutus, elecbica I fixtures <br /> and equipment, vAndows and doors_ Tenant shall i rx mediaWy notify the County of <br /> adjustments which need to be mde, <br /> nsta I I any anchorage, supporting or braci ng devises i nto floor, wall par titon s V cal I ings- The <br /> Tenant shall no* the County in the event such devises are needed <br /> B look or obstruct any entranres of exit' including fire exits. <br /> 8. The poU-ess.ion ' selling or consu mpton of alcohols beverages or i I Iage i drugs is strictly <br /> prohibited on County propel- This incAudes both building and grounds. <br /> 9. The Tanan t stall observe and ca use their c1 ients, em ployaas or other i ny itees to observe any <br /> Canty regulations which may be in place for County Buildings and which regulations shall be <br /> posted on or around the bu klid i rig, Examples include no sr i rig in buildings, no solicitation, <br /> no firearms in buildings, etc_ <br />