Orange County NC Website
L <br /> r <br /> COUNTY hereunder, then and in such event any such excess shall be paid over to <br /> COUNTY by TENANT- <br /> 14- Building Rules and Regulations. <br /> The TENANT has read the rules and U I iat�on s hereto attached and made <br /> apart hereof and hereby agrees to abide by and conform to the same and to such <br /> further rules and regulations as the County may from time to time make or adopt for the <br /> care, protection and benefit of the building or the general comfort and welfare of its <br /> occupants. The TE NANT fu r#her agrees th at the a CO U NTY shall h ave th a rig ht to waive <br /> any or all of such rules in the case of any one or more tenants in the building without <br /> affecting the Tenant's obligations under this lease and said rules and regulations and <br /> th at the Cou nty shall not be res pon ible for the non-cc nform an ce by any other to rant to <br /> any of said rules or regulations. <br /> 15. Qu yet Enjoyment. <br /> The County agrees that the TENANT on paying the stipulated rental and keeping <br /> and performing the agreement and covenants herein contained, shall hold and enjoy the <br /> Leased Promises for the term aforesaid, subject, however, to the terms of this lease. <br /> I& Waiver <br /> The waiver by County of any breach of any wvenant or agreeme nt herein <br /> conta ined she II not be deemed to be a walver of su chi covens nt or agreement or a ny <br /> su bseq uent breach of the same or any other wens nt or ag reement herein contaii ned- <br /> The subsequent aoceptaroe of rent hereunder by County shall not be deemed to be a <br /> waiver of any preceding breach by TENANT of any covenant or agimment of this tease <br /> hoer than the fai lu re of the TENANT to pay the parti cola r rental so excepted, reg and Ness <br /> of County's knovAedge or such preceding breach at the time of acceptanoe of such <br /> rent, <br /> 117- Integration lau se, <br /> Any sti pu I atin ns, representations, pro m i ses or ag-reement, u ral of wn-tte n, made <br /> pri or to or contem pore neously with th is agree me nt shall have no legal equita ble <br /> consequences, and the only agreement made and binding or the parties is contained <br /> herein and it is the complete total integration of the intent and understanding of County <br /> and Tenant. <br />