Orange County NC Website
r <br /> i <br /> hereafter adopted by the COUNTY, the COUNTY shall give written noti Ce of su ohti <br /> defy uat to the TENA NT; and in the event that su oh defau It is not rectified with in ten 1 <br /> days from the date of such notice, the n the COU N TY s ha I I have the rig ht to a nter the <br /> Leased Pre m ises irnrn ediateiy or at any time t he reafter and remove the TE NAN T <br /> therefrom, without prejudice to any other remedies of the COUNTY- in the evert of any <br /> su re-entry, the TE NANT here by wa ives a I I clai rns for da mages which m ay be caused <br /> by the re-entry of the COUNTY and will save the COUNTY harmless from any Noss, cost <br /> or damages occasioned by COUNTY thereby and no such re-entry shall he considered <br /> a r con strued to be fo rri hle a retry, Shoo Id the COU NTY elect to re.--eAter the Leased <br /> premises as herein provided, or should it take possession pursuant to legal proceed i n s, <br /> it may <br /> eith e r term in ate this lease or it m ay, from ti rye to tim e r without tern in i ng th iS <br /> Cease, re-let the premises or a ny part thereof on ten ant's account for s uoh tiro a or ti rn e <br /> and at such rental or rentals and Upon such other terms and conditions as the County in <br /> its sole discretion may deers advisable, with the right to make alterations and repairs to <br /> the Leased Pre mi-ses, a nd the TE NANT sh al I pay the a mount of rent due u nd e r th Ms <br /> Lease to the d ate of the begs nn inn of paym a nt of re nt pu rs ua nt to an y s uoh re-letting, <br /> together wKh the oust of such re-1 ng in cI Uding the oust of a ny a iterations a nd repay FS <br /> to the Leased E remises, and TENANT will the reafter pay ma nth Iy i nsta lime rats du ring <br /> the remainder of t temm of this lease the difference, if any, between the rent collected <br /> from su ch re-letting and the re nt rese rued in th is lease, if such re nt collected i s less th an <br /> that reserved in th iS leaser No such re Cary or taking possession of the Leased <br /> Prern i ses by the COUNTY TY shall be construed as are election on its part to terminate this <br /> lease unless a written nab ce of such inter on be given to the TE NANT- <br /> etsith sts nd ing any su& re-letti ng without term ination, the COU NTY rn$y at any time <br /> after the occurren ca of any default set out in this paragraph number 12 elect to <br /> terminate this lease and may terminate it by giving Wf itters notice to that effect to the <br /> TENANT. <br /> If the CO U NTY shall at any ti me terms rate th i s lease on acccu nt of a ny defa Ult <br /> set out in this paragraph, in addition to other remedies it may have, it may reoover from <br /> th o TE MANT all darn ages that it may suffer by reason of the term inaf.ionE of the lease F <br /> including, but not limited to, the oost of recovering posseSSion of the Leased Premises, <br /> an d the exss, it a ny, of the a mount of re nt and other a moults to be pa id by the <br /> TENANT-under the terms of the lease for the remainder of the stated term, over the <br /> then Fe asooa hle rental value of the premises for the remainder of the stated ter-m, <br /> 13- Assignment and Subletting. <br /> TENANT shell not sell, aSSQn, pledge or hypothecate this lease, or sublet the <br /> Leased Prem ises or nay part thereof without the pri or writte n consent of CO U NTY, <br /> consent by County to one assignment of subletting shall not destroy or operate as a <br /> a iver of the prohi bitions ccnta i ned in th is parag raph as to futu re asst r meats or leases <br /> a nil al I such l ater assign ments or lure shall be made c rely with Cou nty"s prior written <br /> nsent. In the event any assignment of the lease or letting of the lease premises is <br /> consented to by the County, TENANT shall remain liable to County for payment of all <br /> rent he rei n provided for and for the fa Rhfu I performs nee of a I I the ccvena nts a nd <br /> oond Rion s of this lease by and a ssignee or s ubl essees to t he sa me oxte nt a if the lease <br /> h ad not bee assig nod or the Leased Premises let. I f th is lease s ha I I be @ssig ned or the <br /> premises sublet by TENANT at a rental that exceeds all rental to be paid to the <br />