Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> } <br /> or o n be ha If of a ny person, fi rrn, or corpo rata on a rising by reason of i n ju ry to pers on or <br /> damage to property occurring in the Leased Premises occasioried in whole or in part by <br /> any act an the part of the TENANT or an employee while acting vv ith i n the scope of <br /> em ploy rent, agent, v i s Roo, assig n or u ndertenant of the Ten art or by reason of any <br /> u ni awfu I use of the Leased Pre mines or any breach, vio cation or non-pe rfo rmance of any <br /> covenant in this lease on the part of the TENANT to be observed or performed, and also <br /> for any maitte r or th Mng growing out of the occupancy or u se of the Leased F rem i s. by <br /> t he TE NANT or anyone h nldi rig or cJ ai mi ng to hold throng h or U nder the TENANT. <br /> TENANT agrees to pay for all damages to the building as well as all occupants thereof, <br /> caused by Tenant's misuse or neglect of said Leased Premises, its apparatus o r <br /> a ppurten antes, GOU NTY s ha II not to I Mable to TE NAN T for a ny da mage by or from a ny <br /> act o r neg Nige noe of ary -tenant of other coca pa rat of the buildi ng or by any owner o r <br /> occupant of adjoining continuous property. <br /> 11, Fire or other casualty- <br /> In the event the building in which the Leased Premises are located is destroyed <br /> by fire, unavoidable accident or casuafty, this Neale shall thereupon terminate. <br /> n the event the hu ildi in which the Leased Preen ises are I orated is d am aged <br /> by fire, unavolda ble accAdent or casua Ity to such a rr extent that i n Con nty,S cpi n ion, the <br /> portion of sa id bu ilding in wh ich the Leased F remises are specificall Iy donated ca nnot be <br /> repaired Wthin ninety (90) days to it's approximate condition existing immediately <br /> receding such fife, Unavoidable accident or ossuafty, this lease shall thereupon <br /> terminate. <br /> In the event the portion of t build ing in which the Leased Premises are <br /> s pecifical It' located dam aged by fi re, Un avoids ble a ccident, or ca a ua ity a nd the sa me ca <br /> be repaired within ninety (90) days from the date of such fire, unavoidable accident or <br /> casualty, the parties hereto agree that said Leased Preen ise-s sha dl be reps i red a nd <br /> restored by COUNTY to the approximate condition of said Leases Premises existing <br /> before sa id fi re, u navoid able accident or casualty, a nd th i3 lease sh al I rem sin i n full <br /> force and effect, provided, however, that the rent during the period of repair be reduced <br /> to an a mount whir, ire County's opin inn, beers the same ratio to the Feat provided for <br /> herein as the portion of the Leased Premises then available for use hears to the entire <br /> Leased Premises, L)pcn completion of sudh repairs the rent shalI thereafter be paid as <br /> provided for herein as the portion of the Leased Premises then available for use beers <br /> to the entire Leased Premises. Upon wen pletion of such repairs the rent Shall thereafter <br /> be paid as provided in the paragraph above designated °d ant", <br /> 12, Defauft <br /> n the event the Tenant shall fail to pay any re nt when d ue i n accorda n ith <br /> the fora s of this lea se or do c r fail to do a ny other thi ng, condition, ooven ant or <br /> req uirern a nt of th is lease, and such defa Ult shell continue for a period of th i (30) days <br /> der written notioe de I ive red to TE NANT at the Lea led Prern ises of such defau it, the <br /> O U NT Y., without prejudice to any ether rig hts or rem wiles that it may have, shall have <br /> the rig ht, i m mad iatsl y or at a ray time thereafter, to re-e rater the Leased Prern Mses a nd <br /> remove all persons and property from the Leased Premises. ire the event the TENANT <br /> shell nag lect to keep or perform a ny other cove rya nt, agree meet or cond Rion of th is <br /> lease or shall fait to oonform to any of the building rules and regulations now in force or <br />