Orange County NC Website
(B) to make alterations and repairs to the Leased Premises or to the building (including <br /> the right, during the progress of such alterations or repair-sr to keep and store within the <br /> Leased Promises all necessary materials, tools and equipment); or <br /> (C) for any purse which the COUNTY may deem necessary for the operation and <br /> m Wrate na nce of the build inn, or <br /> (D) to exhibit the Leased Premises to applicants. hl o su& a ntry shall in any manner <br /> acct the obligations and covenants of this lease. <br /> 8- Use and Occupancy, <br /> TE NANT agrees th at the Leased Premises wil I be u$ed on I y for the purse <br /> herein before set c LA in th i s lease, that no u nlawful Use of the Lea sed Pre m i ses wil I be <br /> m ade, that no sig n, na me, legend, notice or advertisement of a ny kind wi I I be fixed <br /> psi rated or displayed a n a ray part of the bu ildi rig, except that the name and busi ness or <br /> profession of the Ten art rr ay be painted with appropriate leering approved by the <br /> COUNTY are the door or doors to the space leased by the TENANT or as othenvise <br /> agreed to by the COUNTY; and upon the tee ire atio n of this lease, Tenant will vacate <br /> a nd sU r re nder p se$s ion of the Leased P rem i ses to the C 0 U NTY i n as good co ndition <br /> as the Leased Prom ises were at the cam men meat of th i s Cease, ord inary wear and <br /> tear excepted. <br /> The OUT reserves the right to use the Leased Premises for nay reason able <br /> purse, as long as the use of such premises does not unduly acct t operation} of the <br /> TENANT. The COUNTY shall be the final arbitrator of whether the proposed use by the <br /> COUNTY unduly affects the operation of the TENANT- <br /> 9- Insurance- <br /> If, because of anything done, caused to be done, permitted or omitted by the <br /> TENANT, the premium ra#.e for any kind of insuranoe affecting the bulildi rag shall be <br /> ra ised, the TENANT ag rees that the a mou nt of the i acres se i n premi urn wh ich the <br /> COUNTY shall be theraby obligated to pay for such insurance shall paid by the <br /> TE NANT to ffie CC U NTY c n dema nd, and that If the COU NTY shall darn and that the <br /> Tenant remedy the coed Rion which caused the in crease i n the Mn u ran ce pre mi um rate <br /> the TE NANT W II remedy such cond Rion with i n five (5) working days after such de ma nd. <br /> The TE MANT agrees that the TE NANT shall n ct do F or cause to be done, or perm it on <br /> the Leased Premises anything deemed extra hazardous on account of fire. COUNTY <br /> shall carry fire and extended ooverage insurance insuring its interest in the building a rd <br /> the Leased Premises- TENANT shall carry fire and extended coverage insurance <br /> insuring its interest, 9 any, in improvements to or in the Leased Premises and its irate rest <br /> in its office furniture, equipment, supplies and other personal property_ Proof of such <br /> in-sura nw shall be proved to COU NTY within 10 days fol lcwi rag execution of leas <br /> Both the OU ITT and the TENMT hereby waive a ny cla ims or rig hts of action which <br /> the one may have against the other fa r loss a r d amage coverer by such Inau rangy <br /> policies and both the COUNTY and the TENANT cave-n art and agree that each of them <br /> will obtain a waiver from ft camrier of such insurance releasing such carer's <br /> su hrogation rig hts as again st the tithe r part_ <br /> 10- Indemnity- <br /> The TENANT agrees to indemnify and save harmless the COUNTY and the <br /> agents, servants and employees of the COUNTY against and from any and all claims by <br />