Orange County NC Website
F <br /> LEASE AGREEMENT <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> The lease agreement made this 22nd day of June, 1998' between the County of <br /> Orange, North Carolina, whose pry ncipail place of busines 8 is 200 S. Cameron Street, <br /> Hi Nlsboro ugh, N a rth Caro lima r here infer refo rred to as Cou my a nd the Cedo r <br /> rovelEfland Cheeks Family Resource Center, whose principal place of business is <br /> 0 range Cc unty N orthe rn Hu man Sere i oes Center, Hig h ay 86 N or-th Ceda r G rove <br /> N r, Isere i nafter referred to as Tenant. <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> In oonSideration of the mutual benefits to the County and to the TENANT, and of <br /> th a coven ants a nd ag ree meats upon the part of the Cou nty a nd the Te na nt to be Dept <br /> and performed, the County hereby demises and leases to the Tenant, and the Tenant <br /> leases and ta+<es from the County Rooms 3 and 5, which measure approximately 1440 <br /> square feet as sh own an the floor 0 an a cI�ed he reto as E�€I lb ft A a nd by reference <br /> made a part hereof(herein called the Leased Premises) located at-r Orange County <br /> N orthern Ho man Services Center, H ig hway 86 North, Cad ar 0 rove, NO, to <br /> occupied and used as a Family Resource Center and for the terns and oonditions set <br /> Perth herein. <br /> Tara of Lease <br /> The term hereof shall commence upon appoval of the Board of Court <br /> Commissioners, dated June 22, 1 998 and shall end at 12:00 M id nig ht on J u ne 30, 2001 <br /> 2. Rental-- <br /> TENANT sh al l pay to the COU NITY the sum of seven thousand two h unfired <br /> dollars ($7,200) per annum, payable in monthly installments of six hundred dollars <br /> ($600), each due on the first day of each month, in advance duriing the terms of this <br /> Rea se- Th is rent s hal I be suspended in favor of in-kind oontri botion from the CO U NTY to <br /> the TENANT, <br /> 3- Utilities: <br /> N n the event TENANT'$ fu nd ing source wi 11 r ei mburse TENANT for uti Ries at the <br /> lea set faci lity F the TE NANT shall pay for the ellectn-city and fuel for Neat based on the <br /> following formula, <br /> TAI square footage used by TENANT ( 1, 0u are feet) <br /> Divided by total usable square feet of the building where property is located <br /> (32,630 square feet), <br /> limes the amou nt of electd city a rid fuel for heat bi I Is received the COU NTY <br /> d uric the to rm of this lease for the bui Id ing where the leased pro pe rly is located- The <br /> COUNTY shall send the TENANT on a timely b��i� a state me ItemLzing such utility <br /> charges- Payment s ha 4 be due to the COLJNTY W ithin th in ( 0) days of the date on <br /> such statements- The COUNTY-sha lI pay for all water and sewer charges. <br />