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OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES AND SUPPORT SERVICES WHO/WHERE <br />Support Services: Objectives: <br />4. 100% of the Work First <br />participants who no longer <br />qualify for assistance will have <br />access to a safety <br />services, inch <br />and $kills Pro <br />f <br />S. - 109% Pf W <br />-1 IL <br />.L <br />Special Populations: <br />n 600/0 of teen parents will be job„ <br />ready by the 014f4bcy le4ve <br />Work first <br />7.70% of tt parents and their <br />*ldren will havo tbeir health <br />• Develop individualized transportation <br />plans for participants <br />• Collaborate with Triangle Transit <br />Authority to develop ride share program <br />• Coordinate with the local public school <br />systems for Work First participants to <br />serve as bus monitors in exchange for <br />transportation <br />• Promote Adopt -a -Work First - Family <br />program <br />• Develop Family Self- Sufficiency Program <br />for persons living in federally assisted <br />housing <br />• Create a dedicated child care funding <br />source for Work First participants <br />• Explore alternatives for non - traditional <br />child care <br />• Locate funding source for start up expenses <br />for home based child care <br />Objectives: <br />• Assign a case manager for each teen parent <br />• Model the Adolescent Parenting Program <br />• Prepare teen parents for available jobs <br />• Recruit and train volunteers to work with <br />teen parents <br />• DSS, local transportation system <br />• DSS, Triangle Transit Authority <br />• DSS, local public schools <br />• Faith community <br />• Chapel Hill Public Housing Department, <br />Orange County Housing and Community <br />Development <br />• DSS, Day Care Services, Partnership for <br />Young Children <br />• DSS, Day Care Services, Partnership for <br />Young Children <br />• DSS, Day Care Services, Partnership for <br />Young Children <br />• DSS <br />• DSS, Adolescents -in -Need <br />• Public schools, community colleges, Skill <br />Development Center <br />• DSS <br />N <br />