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7 <br />Purpose and Background for the Plan <br />Community Transportation E,tstems and human service agencies are dependent on both state and <br />federal funding grants to sustain their transportation administration and operations. The purpose of <br />this plan is to provide a viable and effective public transportation service network in the four counties <br />that comprise the Triangle Area RAral Ranning Organization, complying with current federal regulatory <br />requirements pertaining to human service public transportation coordination. <br />The federal transportation funding law, MAP -21, includes provisions requiring a locally- developed and <br />coordinated human service public transportation plan. The Triangle Area RAral Ranning Organization <br />(TAWO) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) havejoined with local public <br />transportation agencies in scheduling local workshops and in developing a regionally- coordinated <br />service plan that conformsto the current federal regulatory requirements. These workshops were held <br />on April 25th and 26th, 2013. These efforts resulted in the development of a coordinated plan that <br />serves and qualifies the local transit providers for Federal Transit Administration (FFA) funding <br />assistance under Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities) and <br />synchronizes thiswith other federal assistance programs such as FFA Section 5311 (RAral Area Formula <br />Grants), Community Action, Medicaid, Independent Living Centers, and Agency on Aging programs. In <br />the development of this plan, the dient needs, service gaps, and other issues of each local <br />transportation provider have been considered. This coordinated plan is intended to be flexible and <br />capable of being expanded or modified at a future date to incorporate additional efforts and initiatives <br />to meet the needs of each local transit provider. This is an update to a previous Locally Coordinated Ran <br />that was developed in 2009'. <br />FFA has proposed that the following key elements should be induded in any Locally Coordinated Ran: <br />• An assessment of transportation needsfor individualswith disabilities, older adults, and persons <br />with limited incomes, <br />• An inventory of the available services, identifying areas of redundant service and gaps in service; <br />• Identification of strategiesto addressthe gaps in service, eliminate or reduce service <br />duplication, and promote more efficient utilization of resources; and <br />• Prioritization of the implementation strategies. <br />The Planning Process in the TARPO Region <br />The Triangle Area RAral Ranning Organization (TAWO) has taken the lead in developing this update to <br />the Locally Coordinated Human Service Transportation Ran, with cooperation from Chatham Transit <br />Network (CTN), County of Lee Transit Sjstem (COLTS), Moore County Transportation Services (MOTS), <br />Orange Public Transportation (OPT), and the North Carolina Department of Transportation Public <br />2009 plan available online at http:// www. tarpo. orq/ docs/topics/humsery /Ichstcp.pdf <br />Triangle Area WO Locally Coordinated Human Service Transportation Ran <br />