Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Regional -level Faecommendations <br />The county -level recommendations presented below serve as the primary focus of this plan document. <br />However, there are several over - arching issues of a regional nature that work across these county lines. <br />One major topic of discussion in the workshops was the issue of inter - county cooperation, with a <br />particular focus on the coordination of medical trips from the three southern counties that are traveling <br />to hospitals in Chapel Hill and Durham. Another topicthat was generally agreed upon in both <br />workshops isthe need for more general- purpose transit service in the TAFF0 counties, rather than <br />limiting services to medical trips and other contract services. Other topics with broad support among <br />the workshop partici pants and survey takers induded: the need to address certain areas of each county <br />that are currently underserved by transit; the need to provide door -to -door service for the elderly and <br />disabled; the need for improved communication of transit information with the public, and the need for <br />more education on available services, programs, and eligibility requirements. <br />County -level Summaries <br />,Specific information on existing service characteristics, needs, potential strategies, and prioritiesfor <br />implementation have been developed for each county within the TAFF0 region. This section provides <br />information tailored to the needs of each county, and the rural service providerswithin that county. <br />Inventory of Current Service <br />Chatham Transit Network (CTN) is a non - profit organization that provides a mixture of fixed -route and <br />demand - response service within Chatham County. Its two fixed routes are the `PX Fbute' connecting <br />Rttsboro and Chapel Hi 114 and the'64 Fbute' connecting Rttsboro and 91er City. The following list <br />provides an inventory of CTN'svehide fleet as reported in the 2011 National Transit Database: <br />• One 10 -seat 2009 cutaway van <br />• One 6 -seat 1996 minivan (not ADA equipped) <br />• One 13 -seat 2002 van (not ADA equipped) <br />• One 24 -seat 2004 cutaway van (not ADA equi pped) <br />• One 16 -seat 2006 cutaway van <br />• Two 9 -seat 2006 vans <br />• One 9 -seat 2007 van <br />• One 16 -seat 2008 cutaway van <br />• One 6 -seat 2002 minivan (not ADA equipped) <br />• One 16 -seat 2003 cutaway van <br />4 Three round trips of the PX Fbute each day are operated by CTN; additional runs are operated by Chapel Hill <br />Transit. <br />Triangle Area FF0 Locally Coordinated Human Service Transportation Ran 9 <br />