1999 NS Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement 9-7-1999
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1999 NS Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement 9-7-1999
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Orange Water and Sewer Authority . <br /> February 11,1999 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Dan VanderMeer requested that the points made in Robert Epting's January 25, 19"letter <br /> be discussed at the February 25,1999 Boae of Directors Meeting. <br /> William Strom said at some point the Board should talk about significant issues such as <br /> whether or not permission is needed from the constituent governments to provide retail services <br /> outside Orange County. Mr.Strom said it is his opinion that the Board should put itself in a position <br /> to sign the Water and Sewer Management,Planning and Boundary Agreement. <br /> Dan VanderMeer said If the Town of Hillsborough is not participating then the whole <br /> process does not seem to make a lot of sense. Why would there be a boundary agreement if it only <br /> applies to OWASA?. Why Is OWASA involved if the Town of Hillsborough is not participating? <br /> Peter Gordon said in his recent coaverssitions with an elected official and a member of the <br /> Task Force Committee, he got the Impression that if the Town of Hillsborough will not sign the <br /> Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement that there was not an <br /> expectation that OWASA would sign either. Dr.Gordon said his issues are: <br /> 1. Is the Town of Hillsborough In or out and what does that mean? <br /> 2. Ed Holland's February 5, 1999 memorandum states '"Current wording could. be <br /> construed to prohibit construction of a raw water main from Jordan Lake without <br /> approval by all three bodies." This should be addressed and clarified. <br /> 3. With regard to the rural buffer in the watershed,the agreement Is outstanding. Orange <br /> County's willingness to•have the Orange County Health Department determine the <br /> existence of an"adverse public health condition"lets OWASA off the hook. The Board ' <br /> of Directors should make it clear that it Is appreciated, <br /> 4. There are potential issues of efficiency regarding emergency water transfers vs. <br /> nonemergency water transfers particularly at the wholesale level. <br /> S. Permission for extending retail service into Chatham County. <br /> Patrick Davis asked if the Board agrees with the concept of a formalized service area <br /> boundary agreement that would define retail service area establishment for OWASA. Mr.Davis said <br /> in past discussions there has been agreement that Is a reasonable expectation of OWASA and would <br /> be a good demonstration of OWASA's commitment to work In partnership with the local <br /> governments. Patrick Davis said the concept of a retail service area boundary Is one that OWASA <br /> has supported In the past and Mr.Davis suggested that OWASA continue to support it. <br /> Mr. Davis said if OWASA Is looking for the Town of Hillsborough's commitment at'the <br /> same time the Town of Hillsborough is looking for OWASA's commitment I In a service area <br /> boundary,then that Is a key cornerstone: What does it mean to OWASA If the Town of Hillsborough <br /> Is not part of the Water and Sewer Management,Planning and Boundary Agreement? Patrick Davis <br /> said there are Inconsistent provisions that are applicable to the Town of EMlsborough and their <br /> ability to enter Into Intergovernmental agreements on retail and wholesale service vs. OWASA's <br /> totally different provisions. Mr.Davis said part of.what the agreement Is doing Is trying to get local <br /> elected board control formalized over OWASA's ability to extend services and to enter into <br /> wholesale agreements. It does have significant utility ramifications. <br /> Patrick Davis said he heard some representatives on the Water and Sewer Task Force <br /> specifically state that they wanted veto authority over any project in which OWASA might build a <br /> raw water transmission main solely to pump water from Jordan Lake up to OWASA's service area <br /> and the representatives felt that was a significant growth related Issue. <br /> William Strom said there has been discussion about coordinating regional policies. The <br /> issue of OWASA's relationship with the Town of Hillsborough is often overlooked but has the most <br /> potential in the short- and medium-term to impact OWASA. OWASA should be at the table <br /> negotiating an agreement that OWASA is comfortable with in Its service area and lead by example, <br />
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