Orange County NC Website
Orange Countp 38oarb of 4ebucation <br /> RANDY BRIDGES, SUPERINTENDENT <br /> PC 2727S 5 <br /> BOARD MEMBERS 200 EAST KING STREET <br /> SUSAN DOVENBARGER,CHAIR HILLSBOROUGH,NC 27278 <br /> KEITH COOK,VICE CHAIR TELEPHONE: 919-732-8126 <br /> ROBERT H.BATEMAN FAX: 919-732-8120 <br /> RICHARD KENNEDY <br /> DAVID KOLBINSKY <br /> DELORESSIMPSON <br /> BRENDA STEPHENS <br /> August 23, 1999 <br /> Mr. John Link, County Manager <br /> Orange County <br /> P. O. Box 8181 <br /> Hillsborough,NC 27278 <br /> Dear John: <br /> I appreciate your letter, and the opportunity to speak with the County Commissioners <br /> concerning the burning of debris at the site of our new elementary school. This project is <br /> behind schedule, and we are working as quickly as possible to move this school <br /> construction forward so that we may open next August. I appreciate you and the <br /> Commissioners working with us on this project and can assure you that burning will not <br /> be an issue on future building projects for the Orange County School System. <br /> I have asked our construction consultant to use any and all precautions to minimize the <br /> effects of burning. We will try to avoid burning on code orangefred days, and when the <br /> temperature is exceedingly high. At this time,burning must occur to keep us close to our <br /> schedule. Our contractor has been able to plan for hauling the additional debris off site <br /> that will be generated by completing the road and clearing for the power lines. As I <br /> shared with you and the Commissioners, that was not included with the contract we <br /> entered into with him. He will need to bring additional equipment and trucks to haul the <br /> debris away. The additional acreage for the road and power lines will be about 5.27 <br /> acres. To haul this debris away will cost$19,530.00. As I understood the <br /> Commissioners,they are willing to cover this cost pending your approval. I am asking <br /> that you approve this request so that we may continue to move forward. If you need <br /> additional information about this request,please let me know as soon as possible. At this <br /> time we have almost completed the burning we need to do. We will only bum additional <br /> debris if this request is not approved. <br /> Please know that the Orange County Board of Education and I are very concerned with <br /> all environmental issues, and want to cooperate with you and the Commissioners. Had I <br /> known the views of all the Commissioners on our decision to bum the debris, their <br /> concerns would have been shared with the Board for their consideration <br />