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goal is to do stress test drills once per year, per building. He said the drill is done and then the <br /> responses of the building occupants, first responders and security systems are evaluated. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the "Acts of God" can be changed to "Acts of nature", and <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked how training of the EAP is done with employees of each <br /> building. <br /> Darshan Patel said there would be "zone wardens" identified and trained along with <br /> their department directors in a two day seminar. He said all other employees would be given <br /> written materials along with a one day seminar. He said there will also be reminder materials <br /> available in each building for employees to refer to. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the zone wardens would have annual refresher courses. <br /> Darshan Patel said there will be a one day refresher each year, before the stress test <br /> drill is done. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked who would oversee the actual stress test. <br /> Jeff Thompson said it would be Asset Management. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the departments are going to be evaluated on <br /> performance and he expressed concern that he does not want this to bleed into personnel <br /> evaluations. He asked for details on what kind of evaluation would be done and what would <br /> be done to make improvements based on the evaluations. <br /> Frank Clifton said, in each case, the department director will identify the zone warden <br /> and would provide the necessary tools and plans. He said if this does not work, the plan will <br /> be adjusted; and if the chosen employee is not suitable, then someone else can be appointed. <br /> David Hunt said about a month ago there was a drill at the Library and the safe spot <br /> was across the street. He said it was determined, after the drill, that this was not a safe <br /> location because of having to cross a busy street. He said this will now probably be changed <br /> and this is an example of adapting based on the drills. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about performance checking and maintenance on Automated <br /> External Defibrillators (AEDs). <br /> Darshan Patel said there is a service contract with the vendor for all AEDs in the <br /> county. He said the systems are tested, maintained and certified on an annual basis. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about signage and said that in some buildings it is not apparent <br /> where the AEDs are. <br /> Darshan Patel said all AEDs are now being put into a marked box with an overhead <br /> sign to mark the location. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked how safety is coordinated for the local sports facilities and open <br /> spaces. <br /> Archie Daniels said the threats now are so different than those of the past. He said that <br /> SWAT or SERT used to be the normal response team; however incidents often so quickly <br /> now. He said that factoring in and training for this type of quick response is part of this <br /> agenda. He said that the sheriff's office has been able to work with other departments to get <br /> up to date floor plans of county buildings and share them with the officers as part of rapid <br /> response training. He said there has been training for all local schools and now there is <br /> ongoing training for 35 different government buildings. He said that the desire is to have the <br /> Commissioners and the government employees to be aware of this training and to act without <br /> questioning in the event of an emergency. <br /> Jim Groves said that if there is a significant event at one of the sporting events, there is <br /> an incident accident plan for this as well. He said there are unified command posts at each of <br /> the sporting events. <br />