Minutes 04-16-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-16-2013
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/20/2013 8:56:19 AM
Creation date
5/22/2013 9:28:31 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 04-16-2013 - Agenda
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Commissioner Rich asked about Heather Altman's career life as it relates to her <br /> volunteer life. <br /> Heather Altman said she is the Director of Community Connections at Carol Woods <br /> Retirement Community. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that he and Commissioner Gordon both served on the first two <br /> iterations of the Master Aging Plan. <br /> Heather Altman said this is the eleven year mark of the Master Aging Plan and this is <br /> an awarding winning program. She said this was the first plan of its kind implemented in the <br /> state. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked how guidance and service is made available to seniors <br /> Janice Tyler said there is an aging helpline number and this is intended to be the one- <br /> stop shop. <br /> Heather Altman said there is a 411 and a 911 number and it can meet any need. <br /> Janice Tyler said the board will be hearing more information about long term care <br /> facilities in the near future. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that information on the hotline be given to the public affairs <br /> officer for a possible press release. <br /> • Agricultural Preservation Board - Howard McAdams, Co-Chair; (with Department <br /> of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation Director David Stancil) <br /> Howard McAdams said the board is increasing the number of acres in the voluntary <br /> agriculture districts. He said that a year ago, there were 2,956 acres and there are now 4,597 <br /> acres in the districts. He said that by June 1 there will be 5,463 acres. He said agriculture is <br /> thriving in Orange County and strawberry season is approaching in May. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there is some transition being done into the enhanced <br /> voluntary agriculture districts, which will provide a few more benefits. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said there was mention of a meeting with all county agriculture <br /> boards for joint planning and she asked what came out of this. <br /> Howard McAdams said that meeting was a year ago. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the board did get a report. <br /> Dave Stancil said this meeting was noted as part of an answer to the question <br /> regarding the board's most important accomplishments and it did not go by a 12 month <br /> standard. He said this meeting was part of the creation of the Agricultural Development and <br /> Farmland Preservation Plan and there was an outcome that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners approved. This plan is now being implemented. <br /> Chair Jacobs encouraged the board to convene another meeting in the coming months <br /> and he offered to provide suggestions for topics. <br /> Chair Jacobs referred to the last page of concerns and emerging issues, and working <br /> with the tax administrative office. He asked Dave Stancil if there has been a meeting yet and <br /> he encouraged staff to do so before the legislature makes changes to the use value system. <br /> Commissioner McKee said, having been involved in these transfers, he can say that <br /> the staff working in the tax office are accommodating and competent. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that Orange County has the highest use value percentage in the <br /> region, partially because the County's policy to be accommodating. He suggested that <br /> information be put on the website. <br /> • Arts Commission -Alice Levinson, Chair( with Arts Commission Director Martha <br /> Shannon) <br />
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