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Commissioner McKee clarified that the budget is $250,000 for deconstruction and <br /> abatement and Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> Commissioner McKee was asked about the availability of local firms bidding on this project <br /> construction and he wanted to be very clear that the spirit of the law will be followed on making <br /> this project available to any qualified contracting firms. <br /> Chair Jacobs pointed out that state law prohibits discrimination. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there will be general contractors who may not be local but will hire <br /> local subcontractors for some of the work. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about minority contractor firms. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this is covered in the state laws. He said that efforts have been made <br /> in the past to give priority to local or minority contractors and this is constrained by state law. <br /> 2. County Commissioners: Boards and Commissions —Annual Work Plans/Reports <br /> • Parks and Recreation Council (PARC) - Neal Bench, Chair and Dave Stancil, <br /> Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) Director <br /> Neal Bench expressed appreciation for the invitation to speak, and he thanked the <br /> Board of County Commissioners for serving the county. He said there is a lot of diversity on <br /> the PARC board, and the members are thankful for their appointments. He said DEAPR has <br /> had the pleasure to work with all of the current Parks and Recreation staff members, and there <br /> have been several joint meetings and information sessions as part of putting together a PARC <br /> Master Plan. He thanked the outgoing PARC Chairs. <br /> He said some of the goals of the council are: to assist with the creation of the updated <br /> master plan for parks and recreation; to assist with surveys; to attend information sessions; <br /> and to lend their thoughts to various issues. <br /> He said, with regard to the outside agency funding applications, the current council <br /> would like for the county to look at the scoring system, relative to any outside agency that has <br /> not done prior business with the council. He said that it appears that first time agencies are at <br /> a slight disadvantage in the scoring process compared to agencies that have done prior <br /> business with the county. He feels this may cause the county to lose out on opportunities to <br /> use some very good agencies. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the council is moving forward favorably with the Mountains <br /> to Sea Trail. <br /> Mr. Bench said there have been favorable opinions expressed about this and he hopes <br /> that the County will come to a conclusion as to the minimal affectation to private property. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked about the item regarding communication with schools <br /> about recreational use of school facilities. <br /> Mr. Bench said the council is favorable to recreational opportunities for joint use of <br /> facilities. He said that there was a letter of understanding generated with the school system, <br /> that facilities should be available for use to the maximum. He said this is with an <br /> understanding that the schools, especially high schools, use the facilities extensively; and <br /> there will be times when the fields are available but can be damaged by too much use. He <br /> said the question of whether school principals and administrators are on board is still being <br /> worked on, and there is some forward progress. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that in the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group, this policy <br /> discussion with the school boards has been revitalized, and there has been substantial forward <br /> progress. <br /> Commissioner Rich agreed that there has been comprehensive forward movement. <br />