Minutes 04-16-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-16-2013
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Last modified
6/20/2013 8:56:19 AM
Creation date
5/22/2013 9:28:31 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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a long history as a school, dating back to 1950. He said the Board of County Commissioners <br /> chose option 2. <br /> Jeff Thompson discussed the constraints of the facility. He said the building is 37,000 <br /> square feet, with low demand and high operational costs. He said that, fully operational, cost <br /> would be about $100,000 a year to heat and cool the building. The previous cost estimates, <br /> included in the CIP to do renovations, were in the range of$2-3 million dollars. <br /> He said there are restraints for water and sewer. The capacity is 2400 gallons per day <br /> and the Cedar Grove Project is taking 1000 gallons. This leaves a net capacity of 1400 gallons <br /> per day. He said Environmental Health has sized this capacity to be appropriate for a 10,000 <br /> square foot facility. The Board of County Commissioners chose to bring it down to a 10,000 <br /> square foot facility with re-adapted re-use that meets the needs of a community center. <br /> He said, with that information, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process was started in <br /> November to find an architect, and a resident design advisory committee was formed. He said <br /> an architect was chosen out of Raleigh - MBAJ Architect. He said the qualifications of this firm <br /> included previous community center projects, experience with adaptive re-use design, and <br /> historically significant design experience. He said this project schedule allows for design in <br /> 2013-14 and construction in 2014-15, with a $2 million budget for construction and a $250,000 <br /> budget for design. <br /> Jeff Thompson said there is an asbestos abatement process tied in with the construction. <br /> He said that there were several discussions with the public and architects regarding the fact <br /> that some parts of the building would not have to be cooled or heated. He gave an example of <br /> a portico space tied back to Cedar Grove Park. He said that there have been discussions of a <br /> potential Emergency Services sub-station and a tower complex to service emergency services <br /> communication needs, as well as retail needs, such as wireless. <br /> He said the department is now prepared to bring the contract with MBAJ Architects <br /> forward for formal approval and to start the process of interfacing the public with the <br /> programming and design. He said this process will move into summer, and there would be a <br /> presentation of plans and ideas in the fall. He said the goal, after final approval from the <br /> Board, would be to take it to bid for construction at this time next year. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said there were about 10 people who signed up in September to <br /> be on the design committee. She asked if more citizens would be allowed to be involved and <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> Frank Clifton said the architectural firm is expecting a lot of community interaction, and the <br /> design committee meetings will be held up in that area. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the architectural firm would be presenting a proposal that <br /> looks at the entire footprint of the building, or just the wings mentioned earlier. <br /> Jeff Thompson said those wings are being looked at in an un-conditioned space <br /> configuration which allows for outdoor usage. He noted that there are huge asbestos issues in <br /> many areas of the building, such as ceilings, window parts, HVAC and flooring. He said that <br /> the deconstruction gives some efficiency since the abatement can be done as part of it. <br /> Commissioner Price said she met with community members earlier this month, and had <br /> talked with staff. She said there is interest in preserving as much of the building as possible, <br /> and she requested that the architect bring back another option for preserving the whole <br /> building. She said it is apparent that the building can be considered a landmark for Orange <br /> County, and there is a wealth of history in the classrooms. She said, even if the unusable <br /> space has to be simply preserved for future construction at least that would preserve the <br /> history. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the firm can certainly do a holistic view of the facility with cost <br /> estimates. <br />
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