Minutes 04-11-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-11-2013
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Last modified
5/22/2013 9:34:05 AM
Creation date
5/22/2013 8:54:00 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 04-11-2013 - Agenda
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- Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools submitted as part of their unfunded new facilities <br /> projects a Science Wing Addition at Culbreth Middle School totaling $4,971,676. The <br /> majority of construction costs would occur in FY 2014-15, with an anticipated opening <br /> date of August 2015. Currently, this project is not included in the Manager's <br /> Recommended FY 2013-18 CIP. The impact of including this project in the CIP would <br /> increase annual debt payments by a total of$477,281 ($57,600 in FY 14-15, $427,388 <br /> in FY 15-16, and $477,281 starting in FY 16-17 and future years). <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would like to direct staff to provide the Board of County <br /> Commissioners with a funding plan for the science wing, using the timeline provided by <br /> CHCCS and add it on to the CIP. She would like to see how that affects the budget. She <br /> thinks that there is enough room in the available debt capacity, and she cited the debt capacity <br /> numbers. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked how much would have to be taken out of the budget to <br /> fund this. <br /> Frank Clifton said the easiest thing would be to move Lands Legacy to years 6-10. <br /> Clarence Grier said in order to assume that debt, they would have to move $7.6 million <br /> worth of projects out to accommodate this. <br /> Frank Clifton said the south library could be moved to a later date also. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin wants to know the max number that can be kept in the CIP and <br /> the number that has to be removed to accommodate this science wing. <br /> Paul Laughton said CHCCS stated that if this wing was funded, it could defer middle <br /> school #5 for two years. <br /> Frank Clifton said no projects would have to be removed, but only moved around to <br /> later years. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Paul Laughton to include these other factors along with <br /> Commissioner Gordon's request to answer the questions tonight. He also asked that Paul <br /> Laughton address pages 101-102 regarding debt capacity that is not totally committed. <br /> Paul Laughton made reference to the last two lines on page 102 and the debt the <br /> County has now and the new debt that will be added in 2012-13. The debt service is at <br /> 13.83%. The goal is to stay below 15%. To stay at the 15%, there is $2.1 million available to <br /> incur in 2012-13. The County will not get over the 15% debt service capacity until FY 2017-18. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there was "wiggle" room. <br /> Clarence Grier said it is only assumed "wiggle" room and is contingent on the budget <br /> each year. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the staff could just run the numbers to see what happens if <br /> the science wing is added in. <br /> Clarence Grier said if the debt were issued, it would be issued all at once. <br /> Paul Laughton made reference to FY 17-18 and said the County would be over the <br /> 15% by $1.2 million. If the science wing were added, it would be more than a penny on the tax <br /> rate. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the debt service capacity would only be over 15% if the <br /> middle school is built as scheduled. <br /> Paul Laughton said he would ask CHCCS about the two-year deferment and if it was <br /> correct. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the numbers need to be run several different ways. The <br /> school boards also need to see this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said to be sure and look at the SAPFO to make sure all the <br /> projects comport with that. <br />
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