Orange County NC Website
Timer went off, and her statement was cut short. She concluded with the following: <br /> So my primary purpose here tonight is to ask you to close the door on the franchise <br /> discussion. The manager's focus, while addressing, the letter of a legal issue that needs <br /> attention, is missing the primary point of this endeavor. The point is our children. So I am <br /> asking you to use that time to decide on the best way forward that uses government resources <br /> in the best way possible. Let's continue on that path and encourage each school, business, <br /> and homeowner to continue to make the interrelationship "the new normal" for our community. <br /> Bing Roenigk introduced herself and made the following presentation: <br /> For some of you that do not know, my past career was in local government in the <br /> financial and budget area. I am going to put my budget hat on here and express some <br /> concerns about the County Manager's proposal. <br /> 1. In reading the agenda abstract, the Manager proposes to use enterprise fund reserves <br /> to allow the County time to transition to an alternative solution. Typically, reserves are <br /> savings set aside for some specific future need or purpose. <br /> What are you deciding not to do if you spend the reserves on maintaining the integrated public <br /> recycling program? 1 just want to make sure that this is not the death knell of the integrated <br /> recycling program. <br /> 2. I question the cost-effectiveness in shifting from a centralized and integrated operation <br /> to a decentralized franchise operation. Administrative costs will be shifted to the <br /> schools, towns, and county because they will have to spend time searching for the best <br /> service/price. <br /> a. It seems like fees will be higher for many residents with this loss of economy of <br /> scale that is currently embedded in the fees for integrated public recycling <br /> services. <br /> - I understand that several years ago both school systems joined the public <br /> recycling program b/c it was a huge savings ($80K). <br /> Operational Concerns <br /> 1. By going to a franchise arrangement and allowing residents to "opt in", county <br /> oversight is removed and this, by its very nature, will reduce the effectiveness of public <br /> recycling program in terms of waste diversion commitment. Need consistency is what <br /> is recycled —when, where, what. We are better together than apart. <br /> 2. The county currently has a commercial composting program. Will this program continue <br /> to exist? Think of the million plus trays from the school systems that could be diverted <br /> to compost! Orange County is the only county in the state that provides this service! <br /> We need to continue to be the leaders! This is the future of waste diversion! <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> - Stop franchise discussion and efforts until all other options are vetted. <br /> - Maintain and expand integrated public recycling program <br />