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2. Analysis <br />As required under Section 2.3.9 of the Orange County Unified Development <br />Ordinance, the Planning Director is required to: `cause an analysis to be made of the <br />application and, based upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for <br />consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners'. In <br />analyzing this proposal, the following information is offered: <br />1. The identified properties are already partially assigned a land use and <br />zoning district designation, specifically they are zoned Agricultural <br />Residential (AR) and are located within the Agricultural Residential Land <br />Use Category as detailed within the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. 5 of these properties are located within the Back Creek Protected <br />Watershed Protection Overlay District. <br />This proposal will extend the overlay district consistent onto the portions of <br />the subject properties now located within our planning jurisdiction, <br />specifically those properties with the following PIN Numbers- <br />1. 9920-46-1170 <br />9920 -46 -1550 <br />9920 -47 -1131 <br />9920 -46 -1843 <br />9920 -46 -1967 <br />3. Field inspections have been conducted by staff verifying that there do not <br />appear to be any existing land uses inconsistent with the aforementioned <br />zoning or land use categories. <br />In order to be consistent with the existing development patterns in the area, and the <br />current zoning /land use designation of the parcels, staff is recommending extending <br />existing general use and overlay district zoning designations and land use <br />categories on those portions of property recently added to our planning jurisdiction. ` <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />This project is a house keeping item necessitated by the change in the Orange - <br />Alamance County line location. In analyzing this proposal, the following <br />Comprehensive Plan goals are offered justifying the request: <br />Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and <br />facilities sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County's population and <br />economy consistent with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and <br />objectives. <br />• Goal 1: Fiscally and environmentally responsible, sustainable growth, <br />consistent with the provision of adequate services and facilities and a high <br />3 <br />27 <br />