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2 <br />document. These supplemental surveys are hoped to be received by May <br />31. <br />The Community Needs Assessment survey has also been placed online <br />and publicized to park and recreation patrons. Around 200 surveys have <br />been filled out online. The survey is available for online participation until <br />midnight May 31 http: / / /s /parks rec needs. <br />In the meantime, staff continues work on inventories of current facilities <br />and background sections of the plan that can be written prior to the plan <br />findings. Discussions on standards and guidelines for developing <br />standards have been held with the Parks and Recreation Council and the <br />staff teams (Master Plan Team and multi - departmental Staff Resources <br />Group). <br />Other sections on demographics, standards, the linkage of parks to <br />economic development and tourism, transportation and linkages to other <br />plans are nearing completion. We are also closely tracking and <br />communicating with the Town of Chapel Hill master plan, which has <br />recently been to public hearing and is pending approval by the Town <br />Council. <br />While much has been accomplished to date, the need to do a supplemental <br />community needs assessment survey - as well as personnel turnover and related <br />delays - has delayed the project in the last 90 days. <br />As shown in the attached timetable (Attachment 2), staff now plans to have <br />a second round of Public Input Sessions once the supplemental survey <br />responses are received and a comprehensive picture of the needs assessment <br />can be compiled, probably in mid -June. The summer months will find our staff <br />team hard at work preparing a draft Master Plan for review. We anticipate having <br />this draft plan for an open house in August, and following a report to the Board of <br />Commissioners on the draft plan, presented formally at the September 9 <br />quarterly public hearing. From there, the Master Plan would go for review to other <br />advisory boards and thence to the PRC for a recommendation, probably in <br />October. We anticipate having the proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan <br />2030 before the Board of Commissioners for action in November. <br />Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you. <br />Copies: Michael Talbert, Assistant County Manager <br />Parks and Recreation Council <br />Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 245 -2510 <br />Fax: (919) 644 -3351 <br />