Orange County NC Website
M <br />Southern Campus Master Plan. A comprehensive master plan for the 33.5 acre parcel <br />was adopted by the Board in 2012. Staff is currently working with Chapel Hill on a <br />development agreement that is intended to secure long -term development rights for <br />numerous government services that may be developed to serve the residents of southern <br />Orange County. Once these development rights are secured, the County will begin a <br />significant space study component on the short and long term space needs required at <br />this site. Potential expansions or re- configurations of the spaces within the Seymour <br />Senior Center and the Southern Human Services Center will be in this discussion. <br />County Jail. The County is currently in negotiations with the State Department of <br />Corrections and the State Attorney General on a long -term land lease that is <br />contemplated as the site for the jail facilities recommended in the study. The County is <br />also underway in studying alternative jail alternative programs that will join space uses for <br />the existing jail facility in programming and designing this future jail facility. <br />Southern Orange Library. On May 14, 2013, the Board received a State initiated <br />Strategic Plan report and is in the process of providing feedback in order to direct staff in <br />moving forward with a selecting a site for a potential southern branch library. <br />Cedar Grove Community Center. The Board will contemplate awarding a professional <br />services agreement for space programming and design services to MBAJ Architects <br />during its June 4, 2013 regular meeting. This action will initiate the space study & <br />programming (with public collaboration), and schematic planning for this facility that will <br />be presented to the Board for comment and potential action during the fall of 2013. <br />Durham Tech Classroom Spaces. The County will continue working with Durham Tech <br />to analyze its classroom space needs in various parts of Orange County. <br />Sportsplex Expansion. The current Manager recommended Capital Investment Plan <br />contemplates expanding the Sportsplex in order to accommodate significant member <br />growth since 2007. <br />Economic Development Small Business Incubator Space. Orange County served as <br />the fiscal agent and developer for the Piedmont Food and Agricultural Processing Center, <br />an intensively used agricultural business incubator located in Hillsborough. The County <br />will continue to work with its Economic Development Commission and partners on <br />analyzing and identifying other small business incubator opportunities. <br />Under - utilized & Stressed Facilities Requiring Space Study. The original study did not take <br />into account the age, physical status, operating costs, or the energy efficiency of the facilities. <br />This variable has been added to the methodology for space studies going forward and will assist <br />the underlying space study guiding principles in addressing the following areas of concern going <br />forward. <br />The County Agricultural Center is currently housed within the Environment and Agricultural <br />Center ( "EAC "), located at 306 Revere Road. The Department of Environment, Agriculture, <br />Parks and Recreation ( "DEAPR ") administrative (and Natural and Cultural Resources) division is <br />joined by Soil and Water, Cooperative Extension, Farm Services Agency, and County records <br />storage. The current site at 306 Revere Road requires significant structural, systems and site <br />repairs that could be invested in a more suitable facility for the group. These departmental <br />