Orange County NC Website
u <br />Fire Department and other procedures provided for by State Law and agree to <br />submit budget estimates to the Board of Commissioners on the standard forms used <br />by County departments. The Town also agrees to use standard line items for <br />accounting as requested by the County Finance Department. <br />11. The Town shall comply with the County budgeting procedures and purchasing <br />procedures provided for by state law and shall submit annual budget estimates for <br />the Fire Department in accordance with established County budget timetables along <br />with a supporting letter of request for a proposed tax rate signed by the Town's Town <br />Manager upon approval of its Town Council. The County will provide the Town with <br />standard forms for budget submission and the Town shall use such standard forms. <br />12. The Town agrees to the extent allowed by law to hold harmless and indemnify the <br />County from and against any and all liability and expenses including attorney fees, <br />court costs and other costs incurred by the County caused by any act or omission of <br />the Town, its agents and employees. The Town shall purchase and maintain, during <br />the term of this Agreement, and any extension hereof, at least the following <br />insurance coverage: <br />A. Workers' Compensation: Coverage to apply for all employees for <br />statutory limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal <br />laws. The policy must include employer's liability with a limit of <br />$100,000 for each accident, $100,000 bodily injury by disease each <br />employee and $500,000 bodily injury by disease policy limit. <br />B. Comprehensive General Liability: Shall have minimum limits of <br />$1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury <br />liability and property damage liability. This shall include premises <br />and /or operations, independent contractors, products and /or <br />completed operations, broad form property damage and explosion, <br />collapse and underground damage coverage, sudden and accidental <br />pollution losses, and a contractual liability endorsement. <br />C. Business Auto Policy: Shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 per <br />occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property <br />damage liability. This shall include: owned vehicles, hired and non - <br />owned vehicles and employee non - ownership. <br />D. Special Requirements: The Town of Chapel Hill will name Orange <br />County as the additional insured on the Comprehensive General <br />Liability policy. <br />E. Current, valid insurance policies meeting the above requirements <br />shall be maintained for the duration of the project. Renewal <br />certificates shall be sent to Orange County thirty (30) days prior to any <br />expiration date. There shall also be a 30 day notification to Orange <br />County in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated <br />E <br />