Orange County NC Website
M <br />Orange County <br />Effective: JulaRuary 1, 201386 <br />• Incorporate energy and water conservation and efficiency systems, techniques <br />and design in all major renovations, system replacements and new construction. <br />• Support change to State utility budgeting and public utility commission policy that <br />fosters monetary incentives to make energy and water conservation and efficiency <br />efforts economically attractive and streamline program justification requirements <br />so that projects can be executed within a timely interval and savings quickly <br />realized. <br />D. Scope <br />1. Facilities <br />This policy applies to County owned and leased buildings, whether occupied by the <br />County, the courts or other agencies. <br />2. Equipment <br />This policy applies to County owned or leased equipment, including computer <br />equipment. <br />3. Energy and Water Sources <br />This policy applies to use of electricity, natural gas, propane and fuel oil and to <br />water from municipal sources and wells. <br />E. Responsibilities <br />1. Energy, Water and Fuel Genserya +inn Tack Group Conservation Management <br />Team <br />The Manager appoints an Energy, Water and Fuel Conservation Management <br />Team p that innli des the: <br />