Orange County NC Website
The Recipient further agrees to implement the Capacity <br /> Building activities set forth in its application for funding. <br /> A list of product deliverables and timetables is at the end of <br /> this Statement of Work. <br /> C. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS <br /> The Recipient agrees to provide the GTR/GTM timely information <br /> on the progress of all dual-filed cases providing the <br /> information required using a data and information system <br /> agreed to and accepted by the GTR. <br /> D. TRAINING <br /> The Recipient agrees to participate in mandatory FHAP training <br /> sponsored by HUD. The mandatory training will require Agency <br /> attendance in HUD-sponsored field office training and, if held, <br /> during this funding cycle, the National policy conference. <br /> The Recipient also agrees to train at least one staff person on <br /> data and information systems and design and implement education <br /> and outreach activities during its Capacity Building period. <br />