Orange County NC Website
43 <br /> Orange County Board of Education dated December 18, 1998). When <br /> developed, the property to the north of the By-pass will be served by a <br /> road network with one or more access points on the By-pass, and would <br /> provide stub-outs to adjoining properties so that a road network could <br /> eventually be created to serve the area bounded by the by-pass,-NC 57, <br /> NC 86 North, and Phelps Road. One advantage to this road network is <br /> that access points onto NC 57 and NC 86 North would be limited. <br /> The area to be amended south of the bypass fronts on NC 86 North in <br /> two places. <br /> The northern frontage is about 400 feet in length. Access to NC 86 <br /> North would be limited to the southernmost 100 feet due to the <br /> location of Stroud's Creek. The sight distance at this location is about <br /> 750 feet to the north and 600 feet to the south. According to NCDOT, <br /> the sight distance needed to safely access onto a road with a speed <br /> limit of 55 MPH is 500 feet. Thus the area is of sufficient size and is in <br /> an appropriate location to be used as an access point onto NC 86. <br /> b) Existing Land Use <br /> The staff report states that the area is largely undeveloped, or is <br /> developed in low-density residential use. It also states that an existing <br /> 10-year Transition Area south of Coleman Loop Road and west of NC 86 <br /> remains undeveloped. <br /> Applicant's Response <br /> The southern boundary of the site is within about 200 feet of Rocky Lane, <br /> which is the northern boundary of the town limits of the Town of <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> Most of the area bounded by NC 57, Phelps Road and NC 86, and <br /> Rocky Lane is comprised of relatively large lots, the largest of which is <br /> included in the proposed Plan amendment. About%of the lots in the <br /> area are 5 acres or less. Of these smaller lots, about 70% are less than <br /> 2 acres. The smaller lots are located predominately along NC 86 North, <br /> and most have direct access onto NC 86 North or Phelps Road. It is <br /> understandable that the area has remained undeveloped due to lack of <br /> an interior road network and lack of public utilities. <br /> The property owner of the existing Transition Area south of Coleman <br /> Loop Road spoke at the public hearing and stated that he had bought the <br /> property years ago, and had requested Transition Area designation as an <br /> investment. It had been his understanding, when the plan designation <br /> was changed in 1985, that services would be extended to the property <br /> within ten years. He also stated that he was not a developer and did not <br /> have the funds to extend water and sewer. With regard to the subject <br /> property, water and sewer will be extended to the southern portion when <br /> the school site is developed. (The school site has been conveyed, and <br /> plans are underway to open the school in 2000.) The subject property <br /> also has the added advantage of easy accessibility to both NC 57and NC <br /> 86 North when the bypass is constructed to NC 86 North. <br />