Orange County NC Website
41 <br /> Roy Wilson,resident two miles north of Mars Hill Baptist Church on NC <br /> 57,expressed concerns with the traffic and the current problems getting <br /> onto NC 86 during morning and afternoon hours. He indicated he was <br /> not against the project,but would like some relief from traffic that is <br /> already an issue. <br /> Selkirk stated that he felt development in the area is inevitable and he did <br /> not feel the evidence of non-compliance was very strong. He indicated <br /> he would be in favor of approval of the project moving forward. <br /> Strayhom agreed with Selkirk noting that he had clarified his position <br /> that it would be done in the best way possible considering the church and <br /> the surrounding community. He felt if the school is built,the remainder <br /> of the bypass will be moved farther up the priority list. He continued that <br /> it would be nice to have schools built before the children come and roads <br /> built before the traffic comes but it does not happen that way. <br /> Allison stated that there are some things about the proposal that he liked <br /> such as the public/private partnerships that are happening,the concept of <br /> the school in the neighborhood. There seems to be good efforts to share <br /> with the community on the costs of water and sewer and roads. That is <br /> something that is not often heard of. He felt it was a good start to what <br /> could be some good planning for the area. <br /> Brooks expressed appreciation for the comment regarding variety of <br /> incomes. She would like to see more efforts for a variety of housing. <br /> She also appreciated the willingness to work with residents already in the <br /> area. <br /> McAdams expressed concern that once the area becomes Ten-Year <br /> Transition,since there is no plan,that the door will be open and <br /> development that is not favored by the community could be allowed. <br /> Barrows reminded the Board that what is being considered is a proposed <br /> Land Use Plan amendment and that does not allow stipulations about the <br /> plan at this point. <br /> Katz again expressed concern with the potential for unintended <br /> consequences which could happen every time decisions are made for <br /> changes. <br /> MOTION: Brooks moved acceptance of the proposed Land Use Plan amendment. <br /> Seconded by Selkirk. <br /> VOTE: 6 in favor. <br /> 2 opposed(Barrows,Katz). <br /> Barrows expressed concern that the infiastructure is not in place to <br /> support the development and the county will be in the position of reacting <br /> to growth rather than planning for it. <br /> AGENDA ITEM#6: MATTERS PROPOSED FOR PUBLIC HEARING(MAY 24, 1999) <br /> a. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT <br />