Orange County NC Website
40 <br /> Strayhorn expressed agreement with statements made by Brooks and <br /> Walters. He noted his main concern that the surrounding community is <br /> treated well. Mars Hill Baptist Church has been there a long time and <br /> deserves every consideration that the developer can give them. He <br /> continued that other properties along NC 57 are in large tracts and has <br /> been in the families for many generations and the owners are struggling <br /> to hold on to their land. Someday,they may also want/need to sell and he <br /> was concerned that the same options be available to them. He expressed <br /> appreciation that the developer seems to be striving to build a bond with <br /> the church and the community. He also had concerns with the road <br /> network and that it seemed there was no way to go but through <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> Katz expressed concern with the rate of change in Orange County and the <br /> serious consequences to the quality of life that it may not allow it to <br /> remain such a nice place to live. <br /> Barrows,responding to Brooks' and Walters' comments,stated that if a <br /> developer purchases land,they will develop it. The landowner has his <br /> profit,he has already sold it. The problem is with the intensity. She <br /> continued that she felt developing at one unit per acre or less would be <br /> fine.Her concerns were also with the increased traffic and overcrowding <br /> of the schools. <br /> Walters stated that if people wanted open space,she felt they missed the <br /> best opportunity for the County when they voted down Purchase of <br /> Development Rights. That is the reason she continued to express concern <br /> for the landowner. <br /> Strayhorn noted that the biggest plus would probably be if it was <br /> incorporated into Hillsborough's city limits. Most cities can furnish <br /> services to high density better than counties. <br /> Michael Edwards,owner of the property,stated that the property was <br /> purchased as an investment with no definite plans for development. he <br /> was approached by the school system. They had indicated to him that <br /> they had a contract on property for which they would be paying$5,000 <br /> per acre plus all of the expenses for extension of water and sewer and the <br /> road expenses. They had also indicated that the site was farther from <br /> town and not the most desirable location. They had asked if he would <br /> consider a cooperative situation that would be beneficial to the school <br /> board and the property owners. The results of their discussion was an <br /> agreement to donate a minimum of eighteen acres for a school plus a <br /> minimum of half the costs of water and sewer and road construction. <br /> There are advantages to both sides in such an agreement. Mr. Edwards <br /> continued that he is not trying to take advantage of the system and he has <br /> a good understanding of what happens when development comes in. <br /> Mr.Edwards continued that he fully intends to work with the school <br /> system and the County to meet the requirements. He indicated he was <br /> also willing to work with Mars Hill Baptist Church to donate land that <br /> would assist them in expansion of the church facilities. <br />