Orange County NC Website
36 <br /> 3.The surrounding areas are not in transition from rural or low-density <br /> uses to urban or higher density uses. The adjoining Ten-Year <br /> Transition area has been designated since January, 1985,yet no higher <br /> density development activity has occurred there. <br /> 4.The property is located in an area of low population density relative to <br /> the overall Hillsborough township population density. <br /> 5.The property is located next to a National Register-eligible,working <br /> farmstead. The cemetery located on or near the property has potential <br /> historic significance. <br /> Alois Callemyn,agent for the applicant,asked that the Planning Board <br /> read the response to the Planning Staff concerns dated March 23, 1999 <br /> noting that his firm feels that it very adequately addresses those concerns. <br /> He continued that he had also provided a map that indicates the <br /> relationship of the cemetery to the school site and to the proposed project <br /> site. <br /> Callemyn continued,that the applicant is trying,as requested,to separate <br /> the school issue from the land issue. Since the deed has been signed and <br /> given to the school,the Planning Staff has suggested that moving the <br /> school site would facilitate the use of playground between the school <br /> and Mars Hill Church. The applicant has agreed and the deed is in <br /> escrow in the attorney's office until such time as the school decides <br /> whether it wants the site already deeded,or,whether they want to <br /> move away from Mars Hill Church leaving a.buffer that could be better <br /> used for a playground or recreation. <br /> Callemyn stated that there are no holdups as far as NCDOT is concerned <br /> in building the road as soon as construction begins on the school. The <br /> only reason that the thoroughfare from NC 57 to the school would not be <br /> built,is if the school is not built and he has been assured that the school <br /> will be built. <br /> Callemyn indicated the location of the school,the 100-foot right-of-way <br /> that has already been deeded, and the location of the road on the map. <br /> NCDOT plans to build the road from NC 57 at the north side of Mars Hill <br /> Church to near the middle of the school. It would eventually amount to <br /> about 400 feet of road frontage along the new road. <br /> Barrows asked if the development would use the same road as the school <br /> and Callemyn indicated it would and that the new bypass would be the <br /> true frontage of the development. <br /> Allison asked about the location of the Phelps farm and Callemyn <br /> indicated the location on the map. While the farm has been on the <br /> inventory for a long time,they have not chosen to pursue application for <br /> an historic designation. <br /> Ted Laws expressed concern that the bypass was the road adjacent to <br /> Mars Hill parsonage. Callemyn responded that it was the previous <br /> location. Mr.Laws continued that one concern of the church was related <br /> to the road adjacent to the parsonage and increased traffic so near the <br /> home. Another concern was that the church has slightly over ten acres <br />