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• , ..3� 33 <br /> that there is an agreement that has been signed for the 18 acres and they would be happy to <br /> produce a copy of that. <br /> Chair Gordon asked if it was 30 or 18 acres. Mr. DeBruhl indicated that 18 acres had been <br /> carved out for the school site itself. There is contiguous property that will be open space and <br /> could be developed in conjunction with the County for a community park. He mentioned that the <br /> acreage is considerably more than the original 12 acres. The Outer Loop is under the control of <br /> DOT and they have approved the original layout that had been submitted to them which <br /> includes approximately 40 acres. He pointed out the 18 acres which are under signed contract <br /> with the School Board for a new elementary school <br /> Commissioner Brown stated that she was curious about this proposal for the school site being <br /> presented with the proposed amendment. She remembered that it had been clearly stated at <br /> another meeting that the school is not predicated on this rezoning. <br /> Sister Maria Bugge, of Holy Family Catholic Church, spoke in support of this proposal. This <br /> land cannot be developed because of the lack of water and sewer. Healthy growth will occur in <br /> this area if this request is approved. <br /> Joe Phelps stated that he and his parents own the adjoining Phelps farm tract. He is not <br /> against development but would like to have several issues addressed. He feels that the plan is <br /> being presented in a way as to mislead. He wanted to know how many houses are being <br /> proposed for this tract. He supports providing schools when they are needed but questions <br /> building several hundred homes on this site. He felt that many residents and local farmers <br /> would be requesting approval to develop their land in the near future. He asked that the Board <br /> of Commissioners keep in mind that those Orange County residents' right to develop their land <br /> in the future needs to be protected. He hoped that the Commissioners would keep in mind that <br /> others would be coming before them in the future to request approval and their future rights <br /> need to be protected. He stated that the Commissioners did not need to approve a 400 acre <br /> development to get an 18 acre school site. <br /> Mr. George Johnson, a member of Mars Hill Baptist Church, stated that the Church owns the <br /> right-of way on the south side near the cemetery. He asked that the County clarify that in this <br /> request. <br /> Chair Gordon asked staff to clarify who owns the right-of-way in question. She asked for <br /> clarification about this proposed school site being separate from this request in terms of <br /> process. <br /> Mr. DeBruhl stated that the contract had been signed for the school site. He further explained <br /> that the entrance to the Outer Loop would not be at the southern entrance mentioned by Mr. <br /> Johnson. That would be the entrance to the north. <br /> Chair Gordon felt that there were many unanswered questions. She asked Geof Gledhill for <br /> guidance. <br /> Mr. Gledhill indicated that staff could resolve the right-of-way ownership questions. They could <br /> return with the answers to those questions at the same time that the Planning Board returns <br /> with their recommendation. He felt that there was a linkage between the school location and <br />