Orange County NC Website
8 r <br /> shall be available to the public upon request and shall be provided to the members prior to <br /> the next meeting for approval at the next meeting. <br /> Section 9. Manner of Acting: Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws,the act of the majority <br /> of board members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the <br /> Bureau. <br /> Section 10. Adjourned Meeting and Notice: A majority of the board members present,whether or not <br /> a quorum is present,may adjourn any meeting to another time and place. If the meeting is <br /> adjourned for more than twenty-four(24)hours, notice of any adjournment to another time <br /> or place shall be given prior to the time of the adjourned meeting to the board members who <br /> were not present at the time of the adjournment. <br /> ARTICLE V <br /> COMMITTEES <br /> The Bureau Chairperson shall appoint the following standing committees and other ad hoc committees as <br /> deemed necessary to conduct the work of the Bureau: <br /> Section 1. Marketing Committee: The Marketing Committee shall consist of 2 or more members of <br /> the Bureau Board plus additional members of the community as deemed appropriate. The <br /> The committee shall advise the Director or his designee on the annual goals,obiectives and <br /> strategies the Bureau shall undertake in furtherance of its mission. The committee shall <br /> prepafe oversee and submit to the Bureau for its approval,an annual marketing plan and <br /> program of work to advertise and promote tourism, sporting events,and/or convention <br /> development for Orange County. The eemmittee Bureau may, <br /> vete of the Bar-eau contract with any person, firm, or agency to advise and assist in the <br /> preparation and execution of projects to promote travel,tourism,conventions,and sporting <br /> events for Orange County. <br /> Section 2 Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 or more members <br /> of the Bureau board. The committee shall recommend for board approval,a slate of officers <br /> to serve during the he upcoming fiscal near. <br /> 7 <br />