1999 NS Memorandum of Agreement for Providing Coordinated Site and Facility Planning
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
1999 NS Memorandum of Agreement for Providing Coordinated Site and Facility Planning
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Last modified
10/14/2013 11:49:20 AM
Creation date
5/14/2013 12:28:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8p
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1999\Agenda - 06-01-1999
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3 <br /> (2 of 4) <br /> D. Recommend school facility priorities, timetables for completion, and related funding <br /> needs; and <br /> E. Determine the most appropriate means of managing the construction, renovation, or repair <br /> of public school facilities, within the funding available for these activities; and <br /> F. Whenever possible, address joint collocation of facilities on each parcel of land being <br /> considered for development; and <br /> G. Assign to the superintendent the responsibility of providing the necessary staffing and <br /> other resources to participate in a joint facility planning process. <br /> II. When joint development (or cooperative development)of facilities are planned for a school <br /> site, the Governing Boards of Orange County and/or the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and <br /> Hillsborough will, as appropriate and in their respective interests: <br /> A. Identify appropriate site criteria for county and municipal government facilities and <br /> facilities in which contracted county or municipal services are provided; and <br /> B. Identify interior space and exterior site requirements for county or municipal government <br /> facilities and facilities in which contracted county or municipal services are provided; and <br /> C. Determine priorities, timetables for completion, and related funding requirements for <br /> county or municipal government facilities; and <br /> D. Determine the most appropriate means of managing the construction, renovation, or repair <br /> of county or municipal government facilities; and <br /> E. Determine the funding available for school and county or municipal government facilities; <br /> and <br /> F. Assign to the County and/or Town Managers the responsibility of providing the necessary <br /> staffing and other resources to participate in a coordinated facility planning process; and <br /> G. Whenever possible, address joint collocation of facilities on each parcel of land being <br /> considered for development. <br /> III. The Orange County and/or Chapel Hill/Carrboro Boards of Education and the governing <br /> Boards of Orange County and/or the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and/or Hillsborough <br /> will jointly: <br /> A. Identify opportunities for collocating compatible public facilities on sites, including <br /> facilities for schools, county government, municipal governments, state and federal <br /> government, and other public authorities providing complementary public services; and <br />
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