Agenda - 05-14-2013 - 4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-14-2013 - Work Session
Agenda - 05-14-2013 - 4
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6/9/2015 2:17:30 PM
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5/10/2013 8:00:16 AM
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Minutes 05-14-2013
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M <br />fill those vacancies as quickly as possible. He referenced his experience of waiting a year to be <br />placed on the Carrboro Economic Development Commission while knowing there were four <br />vacancies. He said it wasn't a priority for the board and it turns citizens off who are interested. <br />He said that it leads to boards that are more insular and clubby. He said he would like to <br />encourage boards to bring forward as many applicants as possible. <br />Chair Jacobs said he believed that if there are vacancies and there are applicants, they <br />should be filled. He said that the better way to do it is to put boards on notice that if positions are <br />not filled, an explanation should be given and, if needed, the Board of County Commissioners will <br />fill them. He said this also gives the Clerk a chance to make sure applicants still reside in the <br />county. <br />Clerk to the Board Donna S. Baker said that many times applicants apply and then some <br />boards take time to go through the due diligence process to make sure the person can attend the <br />meetings and has the necessary availability. She said that many persons apply for a vacancy <br />and then sit out there for a year. Once they are approached, they may not have availability. <br />Often when contacted, people have an obstacle preventing them from filling the position. She said <br />there is an effort to contact applicants on a regular basis to update their status. Chair Jacobs <br />said that it should be communicated to the board chairs, that it is important to move these <br />candidates forward and fill vacancies. If there is a process involved, it should be communicated. <br />If a candidate is not moved forward and a reason can't be given, the Board will step in. He said <br />there should be parameters set, such as operating in a timely manner. He said that he knows <br />there is not time to change policy tonight, but he wanted the issues to be raised, such as how to <br />know candidates better. He referenced his experience in applying to serve with OWASA, when <br />he was interviewed by then Commissioners, Moses Carey and Verla Insko. <br />Commissioner Gordon said issues that need to be addressed should be flagged. She <br />raised the question about elected officials serving on other boards. She quoted a stipulation from <br />the old policies that stated "Elected officials from other jurisdictions shall not be appointed to <br />county boards and commissions, unless specifically representing their boards in an elected <br />capacity." She said that if it was desired that someone be on a board, a position could be <br />created. She said that there are boards and commissions they don't take recommendations from. <br />She said that historically the reason recommendations are taken from boards and commissions is <br />because there was a problem of not knowing enough about the applicants on the long list of <br />boards and commissions. The thought was to have the boards vet and recommend their own <br />people, but those recommendations don't have to be accepted. She said the decision is, do they <br />or do they not want recommendations from advisory boards. Her preference is to take <br />recommendations. <br />Commissioner McKee said that it is important that citizens are engaged and encouraged <br />to apply to boards, even solicited to apply if it is believed that they would be good on a board. He <br />said that what they need to be careful of, individually or collectively, is appointing people to <br />boards to align ideology of a board or a member of a board. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that she believes advisory boards should be encouraged to <br />vet people, because the Board of County Commissioners does not have the time. She said there <br />are so many boards and that the advisory boards do a good job overall. She does not want to <br />ask boards to say that they do not like applicants, as this will come in a letter and would be public <br />record. <br />Commissioner Rich asked how OWASA members were chosen. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that some people interview on their own. Bit that nothing <br />stops them from calling applicants on the list. She said that calls have been made to boards, <br />prospective members and people who might know the applicant. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if Commissioner Pelissier had been interviewed and <br />Commissioner Pelissier said no. She said she received a questionnaire. <br />
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