Orange County NC Website
17 <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />Assessment of Jail Alternative Programs <br />Deliverables - General <br />We will be prepared to begin work upon notice to proceed and will be immediately accessible and <br />available to the County throughout the project. The majority of the work described will be done in <br />Orange County where we in turn, intend to be accessible to all participating County and Criminal Justice <br />System personnel, citizens, and referenced program administrators. <br />While the specific "results" of the study to be undertaken cannot be quantified at this time, Solutions for <br />Local Government is committed to the effective and timely completion of the tasks required and in <br />providing the County with a thorough assessment of the programs that exist as well as their existing <br />and /or potential impact on the County's Jail population and associated costs. <br />Deliverables- Specific <br />1. Time on site as required to participate in necessary meetings and conduct and /or participate in each <br />of the major tasks and described; estimate 8 -10 days. <br />2. Organization of materials for and facilitation of four (4) Jail Alternatives Work Group meetings to <br />present finding with regards to each major program identified and solicit input and comment <br />regarding the services currently provided. <br />3. Formal presentation of findings and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, at <br />such time as determined by the County. <br />4. Collate, print, bind, and deliver to the County twelve (12) copies of the final report document. <br />5. A copy of the final report document, together with the Board of County Commissioners presentation <br />materials will also be provided the County in electronic format. <br />Fees <br />The costs that make up the proposed fee are based on: <br />■ Man - hours; both on -site and "in- office ", and <br />■ Project related expenses for travel, per diem, communications, materials preparation, and <br />document production. <br />At this time it is estimated that the tasks and activities necessary to complete this project will require <br />between 120 -130 man - hours. <br />Therefore, based on the stated project requirements and the major tasks and project deliverables <br />identified in the Scope of Services Work Plan Outline provided, our fee, including all related project <br />expenses for travel, per diem, document production and printing, are estimated at, and will not exceed; <br />$15,180.00. <br />Our practice is to bill monthly (typically on or about the 1St) based on the percentage of the work <br />completed during the previous month. Once the fee is agreed upon, we do not add service or <br />administrative fees, or any form of miscellaneous overhead charges to our billing at any time during the <br />project. <br />Solutions for Local Government, Inc. 3 <br />