Orange County NC Website
Attachment B Orange County, North Carolina 15 <br />Assessment of Jail Alternative Programs <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Major Tasks <br />The tasks that follow are those proposed as necessary to conduct a study and subsequent assessment of <br />that current alternative to incarceration programs operating in Orange County in order to assess, among <br />other things, the impact each has or may have on the inmate population of the Orange County Jail. <br />These programs include: <br />1. Pretrial Release <br />2. Pretrial Diversion <br />3. Drug Court <br />4. Family Court <br />5. Adult Probation [NCDOC Division of Community Corrections] <br />PHASE I- ASSESSMENT PROCESS <br />Task 1. Meet with program administrators and designated staff members to: <br />• Understand program history, organization, purpose & objectives <br />• Identify the processes of program referral, criteria for acceptance, and participation <br />requirements <br />• Collect available statistics, program data, annual reports, etc. to ascertain levels of participation <br />and outcomes <br />Task 2. Meet with designated County Courts, Criminal Justice, and related Human Services System <br />officials to discuss the referenced programs to identify and /or determine: [See list of suggested <br />Interviewees below] <br />• Individual (and /or agency) level of involvement with the program(s); as participant, <br />advisor /advocate, referral resource, etc. <br />• Are the judges using the programs, which ones, and why? <br />• Opinions as to program benefits and /or experienced outcomes <br />• Recommendations for enhancement, expansion, or improvement <br />• Quantitative data regarding program(s) impact on the County's jail population <br />Task 3. With regards to the programs surveyed; and based on the meetings conducted and <br />information gathered: <br />• Provide a narrative description and overview of activities occurring within each program <br />• Identify and quantify the staffing for each program <br />• Identify the level of offender participation in each program (pending availability of data) for at <br />least the past three (3) years <br />• Identify recidivism rates of individuals completing the programs within the past 3 -5 years <br />(pending availability of data). <br />• Provide a summary of the remarks offered by the Court and Justice System officials interviewed <br />• Identify program costs and current source(s) of funding for at least the past three (3) years <br />• Identify revenue received by the program via grants, participant payments, etc. (pending <br />availability of data) for at least the past three (3) years <br />• Identify current and recent year individual program costs per participant <br />Solutions for Local Government, Inc. <br />