2013-124 AMS - Legacy Research Associates for Public Market House Parking Lot and Riverwalk Park $9,000
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2013-124 AMS - Legacy Research Associates for Public Market House Parking Lot and Riverwalk Park $9,000
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Last modified
5/9/2013 10:39:47 AM
Creation date
5/9/2013 10:34:48 AM
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2014-210 AMS - Legacy Research Associates for Change Order #1 C & A Monitoring for geothermal well trenching $10,000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2014
R 2013-124 AMS - Legacy Research Associates for Public Market House Parking Lot and Riverwalk Park $9,000
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, <br /> C. DATA ANALYSIS <br /> All recovered artifacts recovered during the investigation will be cleaned and conserved in a manner <br /> appropriate to assure their stability. All diagnostic artifacts will be fully provenienced and labeled. The <br /> cultural and temporal af0||azion, material ofmanufacture, style, funocion, and form of recovered artifacts <br /> will beidentified. <br /> D. REPORTING OFRESULTS <br /> Within one week of the completion of fieldwork, a C&A Management Summary will be prepared and <br /> submitted to Orange County for review. This summary will briefly describe the archaeological survey <br /> investigations and the results of the fieldwork. k will include a brief description of any archaeological <br /> sites found during the field investigation and will provide a preliminary assessment as to the significance <br /> of each site and it's eligibility for the National Register ofHistoric Places (MKUP). <br /> • |f any sites found during the investigation are recommended as being ineligible for the NKMP, then <br /> the C&A Management Summary will identify them as requiring no further archaeological <br /> investigation. <br /> • |f any sites found during the investigation are recommended as being either eligible or potentially <br /> eligible for the NRHP and will be adversely affected by the geothermal well project,then the C&A <br /> Management Summary will provide a recommendation that the adverse effects be midgated, <br /> vvh|cb might include site avoidance o,further investigations to recover significant archaeological <br /> materials before the site is destroy or damaged by construction. <br /> Within 6 weeks after completing the survey fieldwork, a draft report of investigations will be provided, <br /> The draft report will detail the results of the background research, fieldwork, and laboratory analysis. The <br /> draft report will be illustrated with photographs and drawings, as heeded, and will conform to the <br /> reporting standards outlined in the"Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological Survey Kepuns.^ <br /> prepared by OSA. This report will provide information on the number and type of sites, if any, found <br /> during the field investigation. This report will also include a determination of eligibility for the NRHP and <br /> recommendations for mitigation of adverse effects, |fneeded. |n addition no the draft report, an <br /> archaeological site form will be completed for any sites identified during the investigation. A Final Report <br /> will be produced after review comments are received. <br /> 3� COST <br /> It is estimated that the cost of the archaeological survey work(background research, 4 days of fieldwork, <br /> artifact analysis, C&A Management Summary, Draft and Final Reports, Archaeological Site Forms, and <br /> artifact curazion)for the Public Market House and Rivenxa|k Park area described above will not exceed <br /> $9,000. <br /> 4. PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS <br /> No survey work will be conducted in areas covered by asphalt or areas that have been previously disturbed <br /> by construction. <br /> � <br />
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